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emacsclient -n -c path/to/file # opens *scratch*

From: Stefan
Subject: emacsclient -n -c path/to/file # opens *scratch*
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 17:14:08 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


I'm having a problem with newly created frames when running ‘emacsclient -c
path/to/file’: If there is already a frame showing the file, a new frame is
created (as intended) but it displays a *scratch* buffer, instead of the already
existing buffer for that file.

You can simply reproduce this (removed ‘~/.emacs.d’, no emacs running). First
do this, which behaves as intended:

  emacsclient -n -a '' -c ~/.bashrc  # starts new emacs daemon, and
                                     # displays one frame visiting ~/.bashrc

now, as long as the frame showing ‘~/.bashrc’ is visible (potentially on another
desktop), the following three commands each open a new frame, each of them
showing *scratch*:
  emacsclient -n -a '' -c ~/.bashrc  # \
  emacsclient -n -c ~/.bashrc        #  > opens new frame showing *scratch*
  emacsclient -c ~/.bashrc           # /

When there's no frame showing ‘~/.bashrc’, then each of the above behaves as
expected (by me): Create a buffer visiting that file if there is none, then
display that buffer in a new frame.

Can this be configured?

Thank you!

Stefan Klinger                                      o/klettern
                                                    /\/  bis zum
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