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Re: lisp file to modify contents of project

From: Andreas Röhler
Subject: Re: lisp file to modify contents of project
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 13:46:23 +0100
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Am 11.11.2011 10:49, schrieb David Belohrad:
Dear All,

i'm not very experienced with elisp/emacs so any help here appreciated.

Imagine that I have VHDL project consisting of may VHDL files, like e.g.
this one:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.Types.all;
use work.bunch_storage.all;

--! @brief bunch selection memory
--! @details implements 128x32 memory to store info about all the bunches
--! selected for the capture acquisition
entity bunch_selection_memory is
     port (Clk120MHzxC               : in  std_logic;  --! 120MHz clock
           Reset120MHzxRN            : in  std_logic;  --! 120MHz synced
           NumberOfBunchSlotsxD      : in  positive;  --! number of bunch
slots derived from current timing and IsLHCTimingxS
           BSELVmeMemDxD             : in  VLong;  --! 16 bit word input to
the memory via VME interface

and so on..........

this VHDL project is however defined as well in not-only-VHDL-files, but as
well e.g. mentor modelsim, containing commands like this one:

add wave -noupdate -expand -group dut -format Logic -radix hexadecimal

or quartus setting file, containing settings like this one:

set_location_assignment PIN_D11 -to Reset120MHzxRN

Now I came into situation, that I have to rename the Reset120MHzxRN signal
into something completely different. So I was thinking just make dired of
VHDL/SETTING/MODELSIM files, and just replace Reset120MHzxRN by another
string. But I ran into troubles with caseness of the replace. I need that
in the VHDL and quartus setting file the case stays _exactly_ as is,
whereas in modelsim file I need to convert it into lowercase and replace
only lowercase occurence by another lowercase occurence.

I don't think it is possible to use dired mode for this - except that I do
all the operation in two steps. Having quite a lot of these signals it is
not really wise. So I was thinking, whether it is feasible to do some lisp
code, which will:

list all *.vhd, *.do, *.qsf from the project
do all the replacements as shown above.

is it feasible? the 'thing' i'm bit lost in is how to open make a list of
files universally (independent of whether win/lin), and how to generate
another buffer which would tell me what exactly in which file was changed
->  something like diff mode

any help appreciated....


Just to send some start which should return a files list - approximately.

Before running edit the default directory, called in code "auspack" - same with MY-TERM.

(defun my-replace-start (&optional directory)
  (let* ((dir (or directory (expand-file-name "~/auspack")))
(setq erg (shell-command-to-string (concat "find " dir " -type f -name \"\*.vhf\" -o -type f -name \"\*.do\" -o -type f -name \"\*.qsf\" | xargs -0 -e grep -nH -e \"MY-TERM\"")))
    (when (interactive-p) (message "%s" erg))

Once the files list ready,  something like that

(dolist (ele liste)
  (find-file ele)
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "MY-EXPRESSION" nil (quote move) 1)
    (replace-match "MY-REPLACE"))



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