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Re: makeinfo: missing file argument

From: Kuroishi Mitsuo
Subject: Re: makeinfo: missing file argument
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 17:01:47 +0900 (JST)

  Message-id: <>
  From:       Glenn Morris <>
  Subject:    Re: makeinfo: missing file argument
  Date:       Fri, 06 Apr 2012 03:32:08 -0400

  > export MAKE=gmake
  > ./configure [...]
  > gmake

After "make distclean (not gmake)", I did like below, 

  % export MAKE=gmake
  % ./configure --without-x --prefix=/home/kuroishi/local
  % gmake bootstrap

And it seems to overcome the problem but stopped building on the
way unfortunately.

attating the log at the end.

  > Also, what is the version of the "make" program?
  > >   |~/tmp/2012-04-06% make one
  > >   |one
  > >   |~/tmp/2012-04-06% gmake one
  > >   |one file1
  > >   |~/tmp/2012-04-06% make two
  > >   |two
  > >   |~/tmp/2012-04-06% gmake two
  > >   |two file1
  > It looks like whatever "make" is, it does not understand the $<
  > construct, and silently replaces it with nothing.

Hmm, I don't konw how to show the version.
I suppose it's the system(Freebsd 6.2) default varsion probably.

  > One final test, to check that the continuation lines are not the issue:
  > touch file1
  > make one
  > Using test Makefile as follows:
  > -----------------------
  > SHELL = /bin/sh
  > var1= file1
  > one: ${var1}
  >     @echo $@ $<

OK. I tried.

  |~/tmp/2012-04-06.02% cat Makefile
  |SHELL = /bin/sh
  |var1= file1
  |one: ${var1}
  |        @echo $@ $<
  |~/tmp/2012-04-06.02% ls
  |~/tmp/2012-04-06.02% touch file1
  |~/tmp/2012-04-06.02% ls
  |Makefile        file1
  |~/tmp/2012-04-06.02% make one
  |~/tmp/2012-04-06.02% gmake one
  |one file1

Thanks for your help.

Kuroishi Mitsuo

Generating autoloads for mh-xface.el...
Generating autoloads for mh-xface.el...done
Saving file /home/kuroishi/download/emacs/lisp/net/tramp-loaddefs.el...
Wrote /home/kuroishi/download/emacs/lisp/net/tramp-loaddefs.el
(No changes need to be saved)
cd /home/kuroishi/download/emacs/lisp && chmod +w ps-print.el 
emulation/tpu-edt.el emacs-lisp/cl-loaddefs.el mail/rmail.el dired.el 
ibuffer.el htmlfontify.el emacs-lisp/eieio.el
cd /home/kuroishi/download/emacs/lisp; subdirs=`(find . -type d -print)`; for 
file in $subdirs; do case $file in */.* | */.*/* | */=* | */obsolete | */term ) 
;; *) wins="$wins $file" ;; esac; done; \
        echo Directories: $wins; \
        EMACSLOADPATH=/home/kuroishi/download/emacs/lisp LC_ALL=C 
/home/kuroishi/download/emacs/src/bootstrap-emacs -batch --no-site-file 
--no-site-lisp -l autoload --eval '(setq generated-autoload-file 
"/home/kuroishi/download/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el")' -f batch-update-autoloads 
Directories: . ./calc ./calendar ./cedet ./cedet/ede ./cedet/semantic 
./cedet/semantic/analyze ./cedet/semantic/bovine ./cedet/semantic/decorate 
./cedet/semantic/symref ./cedet/semantic/wisent ./cedet/srecode ./emacs-lisp 
./emulation ./erc ./eshell ./gnus ./international ./language ./mail ./mh-e 
./net ./nxml ./org ./play ./progmodes ./textmodes ./url ./vc
Wrote /home/kuroishi/download/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el
Loading /home/kuroishi/download/emacs/lisp/vc/vc-bzr.el (source)...
Generating autoloads for align.el...
Generating autoloads for align.el...done
Generating autoloads for allout-widgets.el...
Generating autoloads for allout-widgets.el...done
Generating autoloads for allout.el...
Generating autoloads for allout.el...done
Generating autoloads for ansi-color.el...
Generating autoloads for ansi-color.el...done
Generating autoloads for apropos.el...
Generating autoloads for apropos.el...done
Generating autoloads for arc-mode.el...
Generating autoloads for arc-mode.el...done
Generating autoloads for array.el...
Generating autoloads for array.el...done
Generating autoloads for autoarg.el...
Generating autoloads for autoarg.el...done
Generating autoloads for autoinsert.el...
Generating autoloads for autoinsert.el...done
Generating autoloads for autorevert.el...
Generating autoloads for autorevert.el...done
Generating autoloads for avoid.el...
Generating autoloads for avoid.el...done
Generating autoloads for battery.el...
Generating autoloads for battery.el...done
Generating autoloads for bookmark.el...
Generating autoloads for bookmark.el...done
Generating autoloads for bs.el...
Generating autoloads for bs.el...done
Generating autoloads for calculator.el...
Generating autoloads for calculator.el...done
Generating autoloads for cdl.el...
Generating autoloads for cdl.el...done
Generating autoloads for chistory.el...
Generating autoloads for chistory.el...done
Generating autoloads for cmuscheme.el...
Generating autoloads for cmuscheme.el...done
Generating autoloads for color.el...
Generating autoloads for color.el...done
Generating autoloads for comint.el...
Generating autoloads for comint.el...done
Generating autoloads for completion.el...
Generating autoloads for completion.el...done
Generating autoloads for cus-dep.el...
Generating autoloads for cus-dep.el...done
Generating autoloads for cus-edit.el...
Generating autoloads for cus-edit.el...done
Generating autoloads for cus-theme.el...
Generating autoloads for cus-theme.el...done
Generating autoloads for dabbrev.el...
Generating autoloads for dabbrev.el...done
Generating autoloads for delim-col.el...
Generating autoloads for delim-col.el...done
Generating autoloads for delsel.el...
Generating autoloads for delsel.el...done
Generating autoloads for descr-text.el...
Generating autoloads for descr-text.el...done
Generating autoloads for desktop.el...
Generating autoloads for desktop.el...done
Generating autoloads for dframe.el...
Generating autoloads for dframe.el...done
Making generated-autoload-file local to  *autoload-file* while let-bound!
Generating autoloads for dired-aux.el...
Error: (error "Running bzr status dired.el...FAILED (status 1)")
Running bzr status 
 (status 1)
gmake[3]: *** [autoloads] エラー 255
gmake[3]: ディレクトリ `/a/jc-nhfs/export/nfs/home/kuroishi/download/emacs/lisp' から出ます
gmake[2]: *** [/home/kuroishi/download/emacs/src/../lisp/loaddefs.el] エラー 2
gmake[2]: ディレクトリ `/a/jc-nhfs/export/nfs/home/kuroishi/download/emacs/src' から出ます
gmake[1]: *** [src] エラー 2
gmake[1]: ディレクトリ `/a/jc-nhfs/export/nfs/home/kuroishi/download/emacs' から出ます
gmake: *** [bootstrap] エラー 2

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