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Re: Issues with emacs (was Emacs users a dying breed?)

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Re: Issues with emacs (was Emacs users a dying breed?)
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 19:38:08 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sun, Jun 24 2012, Tom wrote:

> Bastien <bzg <at>> writes:
>> The good news is that, whether Emacs users are a dying breed
>> or not, the only remedy to this hypothetical issue is to have
>> more Emacs developers.
> But how to have more developers. I see 3 possibilites:
> 1. Motivate more users to be volunteer developers? Any idea how
> to do that?

One possibility: if a pure-Lisp implementation of Emacs became the
"main" implementation, I wonder if many Elisp-gurus who aren't
particularly enthusiastic about C programming would be encouraged to
expand their hacking into the Emacs basics.

If the line between programming Emacs packages and programming Emacs
guts were blurred or erased altogether, I'll bet you'd get a lot more
people able and willing to contribute work on fundamentals like the
display engine or multi-threading.

Just a thought,


GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10)
 of 2012-06-11 on pellet

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