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Re: How to compare time of last file modification?

From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: How to compare time of last file modification?
Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2012 03:16:11 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)

Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:

> Hi List, 
> the Elisp manual tells me about file-attributes:
>      4. The time of last access, as a list of two integers. The
>         first integer has the high-order 16 bits of time, the
>         second has the low 16 bits. (This is similar to the value
>         of current-time; see Time of Day.) Note that on some
>         FAT-based filesystems, only the date of last access is
>         recorded, so this time will always hold the midnight of the
>         day of last access.
>      5. The time of last modification as a list of two integers (as
>         above). This is the last time when the file's contents were
>         modified.
> If I want to compare the time of last modification of two files - how do
> I do that, using these two integers? 

You have to apply some powerful magic, called "maths".

If I were you, I'd not read the following of that message, it's much too

The first time is characterized with this system of equations:

  t₁ =  65536×h₁ + l₁
  0 ≤ h₁ < 65536
  0 ≤ l₁ < 65536

The second time with this similar system:

  t₂ =  65536×h₂ + l₂
  0 ≤ h₂ < 65536
  0 ≤ l₂ < 65536

Comparing those times is adding this equation to the above system:

  t₁ < t₂
  t₁ =  65536×h₁ + l₁
  0 ≤ h₁ < 65536
  0 ≤ l₁ < 65536
  t₂ =  65536×h₂ + l₂
  0 ≤ h₂ < 65536
  0 ≤ l₂ < 65536

So we have to solve a system of equations with 3 variables and 7

I told you do not read further!

              t₁ < t₂           ∧  t₁ =  65536×h₁ + l₁ ∧  t₂ =  65536×h₂ + l₂
  ⇔  65536×h₁+l₁ < 65536×h₂+l₂  ∧  t₁ =  65536×h₁ + l₁ ∧  t₂ =  65536×h₂ + l₂

Now, notice that: 

      ∀n, 65536×(n+1) + 0 > 65536×n + 65535
  ⇔  ∀n, 65536×n + 65536 > 65536×n + 65535
  ⇔  ∀n,           65536 > 65535
  ⇔  true


      ∀n,p  n > p ⇒ 65536×n + 0          > 65536×p + 65535
  ⇔  ∀n,p  n > p ⇒ 65536×(n-p+p)        > 65536×p + 65535
  ⇔  ∀n,p  n > p ⇒ 65536×(n-p)+65536×p  > 65536×p + 65535
  ⇔  ∀n,p  n > p ⇒ 65536×(n-p) > 65535
  ⇔  ∀n,p  n > p ⇒ 65536×(n-p) ≥ 65536 > 65535
  ⇔  ∀n,p  n > p ⇒ true
  ⇔  true

Therefore, if h₂ > h₁ then t₂ > t₁
       and if h₁ > h₂ then t₁ > t₂

Now, if h₂ = h₁, then 

        t₁ < t₂ ∧ t₁ =  65536×h₁ + l₁ ∧ t₂ =  65536×h₂ + l₂ ∧ h₁ = h₂

  ⇔  65536×h₁+l₁ < 65536×h₁+l₂  ∧  t₁ =  65536×h₁ + l₁ 
                               ∧  t₂ =  65536×h₂ + l₂ ∧ h₁ = h₂

  ⇔  l₁ < l₂  ∧  t₁ =  65536×h₁ + l₁ ∧  t₂ =  65536×h₂ + l₂ ∧ h₁ = h₂

Therefore, if h₂ > h₁ then t₂ > t₁
           if h₁ > h₂ then t₁ > t₂
           if h₁ = h₂ then if l₁ < l₂ then t₁ < t₂
                          if l₁ > l₂ then t₁ > t₂
                          if l₁ = l₂ then t₁ = t₂

Does this look like an "algorithms"?  I told you, dark magic here!

    (defun time-lessp (t1 t2)
      "Returns whether t1<t2
    t1 and t2 are lists of two integers. The first integer has the
    high-order 16 bits of time, the second has the low 16 bits."
      (destructuring-bind (h1 l1) t1
        (destructuring-bind (h2 l2) t2
             ((< h1 h2) t)
             ((> h1 h2) nil)
             (t (cond ((< l1 l2) t)
                      (t         nil)))))))

__Pascal Bourguignon__           
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

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