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Re: How to suppress/avoid *Async Shell Command* buffer?

From: Marius Hofert
Subject: Re: How to suppress/avoid *Async Shell Command* buffer?
Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 20:03:57 +0200
User-agent: mu4e; emacs

Andreas Röhler writes:

> Am 18.05.2013 16:37, schrieb Marius Hofert:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> what do you mean by 'caused'?
>> The question mark is a place holder for the file (foo.pdf).
> Okay, see dired-do-shell-command reads it
>> What does this have to do with *Async Shell Command* being opened?
> Nothing. It's the ampersand following ? which matters.

Yes, this runs the command *asynchronously* (that's where the name of
the annoying buffer comes from).

If not run asynchronously (i.e., if run without ampersand), emacs is
blocked. Also, closing emacs closes the external application, too. Both
behaviors I find strange / are undesirable.

>> Note: The behavior of "!" on foo.pdf in dired mode is fine (in the sense
>> that Okular opens, the pdf is shown, everything asynchronously), I just want
>> to avoid the buffer *Async Shell Command* being opened.
> Which seems the buffer Emacs connects the process to.
> Deleting it should end the processes, probably not a good idea.

When run asynchronously, closing emacs does *not* close the external
application. I like this behavior very much.

> So the ampersand seems the culprit - not the question mark.
> What happens when calling your stuff without it?

Then no buffer is open (which was clear since the command is not run
asynchronously). The question is how to avoid the buffer being opened
*when* using the command asynchronously.

I currently do some testing with the suggestions of Hongxu. I reply later.



> Andreas
>> Let me know if anything isn't clear.
>> Cheers,
>> Marius
>> Andreas Röhler writes:
>>> Am 18.05.2013 15:58, schrieb Marius Hofert:
>>> Looks like caused by the question mark after okular
>>> (("\\.\\(?:pdf\\|djvu\\|jp?g\\)\\'" "okular ? &")

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