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`universal-argument` from isearch minibuffer?

From: Tim Visher
Subject: `universal-argument` from isearch minibuffer?
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 22:25:19 -0400

Hi All,

I'm hacking up a way to get my current isearch term into the ack

My question is whether or not it's possible to affect the
current-prefix-arg when you're already in the isearch minibuffer.
`ack` behaves differently when the prefix arg is set differently so my
hope was to be able to press

    C-s search-term [C-u]* C-c r g

and get my prompt.

Unfortunately, `C-u` promptly exits isearch.

I've included the code below that is available in the gist for easy reference.

Thanks in advance!

(defun timvisher/ack-from-root (arg regexp)
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((current-prefix-arg (cond ((not arg) 4)

                                  ((= 4 (car arg)) 16)

                                  ((<= 16 (car arg)) nil))))
    (call-interactively 'ack)))

(defun timvisher/isearch-ack-from-root (arg regexp)
   (list current-prefix-arg
          ((functionp isearch-word)
           (funcall isearch-word isearch-string))
          (isearch-word (word-search-regexp isearch-string))
          (isearch-regexp isearch-string)
          (t (regexp-quote isearch-string)))))
  (let ((ack-command (concat "ag " regexp))
        (current-prefix-arg 4))
    (isearch-done nil)
    (call-interactively 'ack)))

(define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-c r g") 'timvisher/isearch-ack-from-root)


In Christ,

Timmy V. -- Spend less time on mail

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