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Re: WoMan generates different result from man?

From: Hongxu Chen
Subject: Re: WoMan generates different result from man?
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 11:31:08 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Emanuel Berg <> writes:

> Hongxu Chen <> writes:
>> I am using WoMan since the default `evil-lookup-func' in
>> Evil-mode (well, I am not a true Emacser) is woman, and when I
>>  (setq evil-lookup-func #'woman)
>> It doesn't work as expected and I would not spend too much to
>> configure it right.
> Evil-mode? Haha, what is that?
> I just hit `M-x man', what does that get you?
OK, I've changed the keymaps for normal state in evil-mode to `man'(aha,
I didn't even notice that I could do this!)
>> Another concern is that while using `man' in emacs(which
>> actually call external program `man'), there seems a delay when
>> I would get a relatively big man page (such as `gcc'; I know I
>> should switch to info' in this sense, but I am so customed to
>> man in Vim...).
> Again, there is nothing wrong with browsing the man pages in
> Emacs, on the contrary. From where did you get that idea?
> But, now that you say it, `M-x man RET gcc RET' takes a couple of
> seconds in Emacs, but not so with man (the shell pager). But 1)
> gcc is a very big manpage, and 2) you don't bring it up every day,
> and you don't do it repeatedly. If you get stressed out over that,
> perhaps you should program yourself, and not computers :)
> Seriously, it depends what computer you have, of course. I have an
> old laptop and for me that short-seconds pause is very
> endurable. But yes - it is interesting that the Emacs mode is that
> much slower than the shell tool.

There is another problem: when using `man', it would firstly catch the
symbol/word at point by default. When there is NO manpage for this
symbol, it still displays as a candidate(I am using ido-ubiquitous and
don't know the behavior in other cases). And when I hit RET, it would
report like this:

error in process sentinel: user-error: Can't find the time_t manpage

This is annoying. But `woman' would ignore the symbol where the cursor
locates(it would not display `time_t' in this case) and I am informed
ahead that I cannot get the manpage of this symbol.

Also, the matching rule is confusing(possibly only for ido), for
instance, when I run `M-x man RET git', `git' does not appear at the
front of all candidates until I additionally add `(1)' (hence I have to
type the whole word `git(1)'), which is a bit inconvenient.

Hongxu Chen

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