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Re: turning line mode on/off with defun not working

From: PJ Weisberg
Subject: Re: turning line mode on/off with defun not working
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2013 01:06:19 -0800

On Dec 6, 2013 3:48 PM, "Emanuel Berg" <>
> Wes James <> writes:
> > (defun name ()...) or (defun name()...)
> Both works but I like the whitespace there. Because
> that is actually an empty list (or nil), and not a
> place where you put parameters (like it is in C) - or,
> it is both in Lisp.
> Try it yourself with nil instead of the empty
> parenthesis pair. (Then, obviously you need the
> whitespace.)

You *can* do that, but that doesn't mean you should.  Sure, () and nil are
always interchangeable, but only one of them *looks* like an empty list of
parameters.  It always takes my brain an extra moment to process when I see
nil somewhere where I'm expecting to see a list.

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