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Re: M-q on comments in source code

From: lee
Subject: Re: M-q on comments in source code
Date: Sat, 24 May 2014 20:00:45 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier <> writes:

>> This formatting is a bit silly ...  What can I do to get the comments
>> formatted as in the first example, i. e. the comment indented with the
>> source but with each line trimmed to a length of about max 75
>> characters, not counting the indentation?
> I find this to be a waste of space (you'll need windows
> larger than 80 columns to comfortably edit/browse such files),

The lines in the source can easily get longer than 80 cpl, and my screen
is wider than it is high, so it`s the opposite for me: Source with long
lines is easier to review than source with short, broken lines.  And
there`s astyle ...

;; astyle buffer ...
(defun astyle-buffer (mcl)
  "Ask for code length and pipe all buffer contents through
  astyle and replace with the output from astyle, then do
  (interactive "nMax code length: ")
  (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) (format "astyle 
--max-code-length=%d" mcl) nil t 'shell-command-default-error-buffer t)

... which does break long lines but doesn`t put broken lines back
together.  (I have an .astylerc with some settings I like.)

> but if you really want that you can probably get it with something
> like:
>    (advice-add 'current-file-column :around
>      (lambda (orig)
>        (if (derived-mode-p 'c-mode)
>            (+ fill-column (current-indentation))
>          (funcall orig))))

Hmm, yes, this is like Eli suggested, thank you :)

I think I can come up with a function that is called instead of
c-fill-paragraph, adjusts fill-column when comments are formatted, calls
c-fill-paragraph and resets fill-column.  That should work ...

I`ll post it once I wrote it.

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