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Re: Can not install slime for emacs on my windows-7-64

From: Alexis
Subject: Re: Can not install slime for emacs on my windows-7-64
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 14:06:31 +1100

ye eugene writes:

> Hello everyone
>     I download lispbox (
> <> ) lispstick (
> ) .When i run them on my windows
> 7-64,they all shows the same error

Given you had no response to your post last week regarding
Lispbox+Lispstick setup, it looks like there might not be many (or any)
users of Lispbox or Lispstick on this list. Further, it seems that the
problem might not be Emacs itself, but how Lispbox and Lispstick make
use of Emacs. So i think that at this point your best options are
probably either:

(a) Contact the maintainer of Lispstick about your issue; his email
    address is listed in section 6 of the Lispstick page.

(b) Don't use either Lispbox or Lispstick, and instead just set up Emacs
    with SLIME directly. It seems to me that in trying to avoid work by
    using a ready-made setup, you might actually be having to do more work
    than you otherwise would. :-)

Here's one way to install SLIME on Emacs:

1. At the start of your .emacs config file, put:

    (require 'package)

    (add-to-list 'package-archives
                 '("melpa" . "";) t)


2. Start Emacs.

3. Do: M-x package-refresh-contents RET

4. Do: M-x package-install slime RET

SLIME should then be downloaded, installed, loaded, and ready for you to
configure for use.

5. In the *scratch* buffer, put:

    (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/sbcl")

replacing "/usr/bin/sbcl" with the path to the actual CL implementation
you've installed. Then move the cursor to the end of that line and do: C-x

6. Do: M-x slime RET

A SLIME session should now be started. :-)

7. To set up SLIME for future Emacs sessions, add the line you specified
in step 5 to the end of your .emacs.

Hope that helps!


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