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Re: Counting SLOC in Emacs

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: Counting SLOC in Emacs
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:41:30 +0100

On 2014-11-28, at 12:23, Marcin Borkowski wrote:

> Hello,
> there is count-lines-region, but I'd like to exclude empty lines and
> lines with only comments.  Is there anything like that?  (If not, I'll
> try to hack it myself and share.)

OK, so replyaing to myself: what do you think of this?

(defun count-sloc-region (beg end)
  "Count source lines of code in region (or (narrowed part of)
the buffer when no region is active).  SLOC means that empty
lines and comment-only lines are not taken into consideration."
   (if (use-region-p)
       (list (region-beginning) (region-end))
     (list (point-min) (point-max))))
      (narrow-to-region beg end)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (let ((count 0))
        (while (not (eobp))
          (if (not (comment-only-p (line-beginning-position) 
              (setq count (1+ count)))
        (message "SLOC in %s: %s."
                 (if (use-region-p) "region" "buffer")


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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