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icicles Lisp error

From: Rainer Stengele
Subject: icicles Lisp error
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 12:44:21 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0


When starting up Emacs I run into this Lisp error when requiring icicles.
GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.8.2) of 2013-07-27 on 
roseapple, modified by Debian

icicles is from this morning, uncompiled.
Anybody has an idea what goes wrong here?

Thank you, Rainer

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  compare-strings("/home/rainer/.emacs.d/icicles/icicles-mode.el/" nil 0 nil 
nil nil nil)
  file-relative-name("/home/rainer/.emacs.d/icicles/icicles-mode.el" ".")
  byte-compile-warning-prefix(:error (:error "Error%s: "))
  display-warning(bytecomp "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil" :error 
  byte-compile-log-warning("Wrong type argument: stringp, nil" nil :error)
  byte-compile-report-error((wrong-type-argument stringp nil))
  #[257 "\300!\207" [byte-compile-report-error] 3 "\n\n(fn 
ERROR-INFO)"]((wrong-type-argument stringp nil))
  funcall(#[257 "\300!\207" [byte-compile-report-error] 3 "\n\n(fn 
ERROR-INFO)"] (wrong-type-argument stringp nil))
  ad-activate-advised-definition(describe-face nil)
  ad-activate(describe-face nil)
  (progn (ad-add-advice (quote describe-face) (quote (icicle-WYSIWYG-&-preds 
nil t (advice lambda nil "Respect
`icicle-WYSIWYG-Completions-flag'.  Provide preds for `M-&'.\n1. If 
`icicle-WYSIWYG-Completions-flag' is non-nil,
then completion\n   does not use `completing-read-multiple' (which cannot take 
advantage\n   of WYSIWYG).\n2.
During completion, `M-&' offers face predicates for narrowing." (interactive 
(let (...) (list ...)))))) (quote
before) (quote nil)) (ad-activate (quote describe-face) nil) (quote 
  (progn (progn (ad-add-advice (quote describe-face) (quote 
(icicle-WYSIWYG-&-preds nil t (advice lambda nil
"Respect `icicle-WYSIWYG-Completions-flag'.  Provide preds for `M-&'.\n1. If 
`icicle-WYSIWYG-Completions-flag' is
non-nil, then completion\n   does not use `completing-read-multiple' (which 
cannot take advantage\n   of
WYSIWYG).\n2. During completion, `M-&' offers face predicates for narrowing." 
(interactive (let ... ...)))))
(quote before) (quote nil)) (ad-activate (quote describe-face) nil) (quote 
  (if (> emacs-major-version 21) (progn (progn (ad-add-advice (quote 
describe-face) (quote (icicle-WYSIWYG-&-preds
nil t (advice lambda nil "Respect `icicle-WYSIWYG-Completions-flag'.  Provide 
preds for `M-&'.\n1. If
`icicle-WYSIWYG-Completions-flag' is non-nil, then completion\n   does not use 
`completing-read-multiple' (which
cannot take advantage\n   of WYSIWYG).\n2. During completion, `M-&' offers face 
predicates for narrowing."
(interactive ...)))) (quote before) (quote nil)) (ad-activate (quote 
describe-face) nil) (quote describe-face))))
  (progn (if (> emacs-major-version 22) (progn (progn (ad-add-advice (quote 
call-interactively) (quote
(icicle-save-to-history nil nil (advice lambda nil "Save command to 
`icicle-interactive-history'." ...))) (quote
after) (quote nil)) (ad-activate (quote call-interactively) nil) (quote 
call-interactively)) (if (boundp (quote
savehist-save-hook)) (progn (add-hook (quote savehist-save-hook) (function 
(lambda nil ...))))) (progn
(ad-add-advice (quote ess-internal-complete-object-name) (quote 
(icicle-ess-internal-complete-object-name nil nil
(advice lambda nil "`ess-internal-complete-object-name', but in Icicle mode use 
Icicles completion." ...))) (quote
around) (quote nil)) (ad-activate (quote ess-internal-complete-object-name) 
nil) (quote
ess-internal-complete-object-name)) (progn (ad-add-advice (quote 
ess-complete-filename) (quote
(icicle-ess-complete-filename nil nil (advice lambda nil 
"`ess-complete-filename', but in Icicle mode use Icicles
completion." ...))) (quote around) (quote nil)) (ad-activate (quote 
ess-complete-filename) nil) (quote
ess-complete-filename)) (progn (ad-add-advice (quote 
ess-R-complete-object-name) (quote
(icicle-ess-R-complete-object-name nil nil (advice lambda nil 
"`ess-R-complete-object-name', but in Icicle mode
use Icicles completion." ...))) (quote around) (quote nil)) (ad-activate (quote 
ess-R-complete-object-name) nil)
(quote ess-R-complete-object-name)) (progn (ad-add-advice (quote 
ess-completing-read) (quote
(icicle-ess-completing-read nil nil (advice lambda nil "Make 
`ess-completing-read' use Icicles completion in
Icicle mode." ...))) (quote around) (quote nil)) (ad-activate (quote 
ess-completing-read) nil) (quote
ess-completing-read)))) (if (> emacs-major-version 21) (progn (progn 
(ad-add-advice (quote describe-face) (quote
(icicle-WYSIWYG-&-preds nil t (advice lambda nil "Respect 
`icicle-WYSIWYG-Completions-flag'.  Provide preds for
`M-&'.\n1. If `icicle-WYSIWYG-Completions-flag' is non-nil, then completion\n   
does not use
`completing-read-multiple' (which cannot take advantage\n   of WYSIWYG).\n2. 
During completion, `M-&' offers face
predicates for narrowing." ...))) (quote before) (quote nil)) (ad-activate 
(quote describe-face) nil) (quote
describe-face)))) (eval (quote (define-minor-mode icicle-mode "Icicle mode: 
Toggle minibuffer input completion and
cycling.\nNon-nil prefix ARG turns mode on if ARG > 0, else turns it 
off.\nIcicle mode is a global minor mode.  It
binds keys in the minibuffer.\n\nYou can use `customize-group Icicles' or `C-u 
customize-mode\nicicle-mode' to
customize Icicles options and faces.\n\nFor more information, use
`\\<minibuffer-local-completion-map>\\[icicle-minibuffer-help]' when the 
minibuffer is active.\n\nDepending on
your platform, if you use Icicles in a text terminal\n(that is, without a 
window system/manager), you might need
to change\nsome of the key bindings if some of the default bindings are 
not\navailable to you.\n\nIcicle mode
defines many top-level commands.  For a list, see the\nCommentary headers of 
files `icicles-cmd1.el' and
`icicles-cmd2.el'." :global t :group (quote Icicles) :lighter " Icy" 
:init-value nil (cond (icicle-mode
(icicle-define-icicle-maps) (icicle-bind-other-keymap-keys) (add-hook (quote 
minibuffer-setup-hook) (quote
icicle-minibuffer-setup)) (add-hook (quote minibuffer-exit-hook) (quote 
icicle-cancel-Help-redirection)) (add-hook
(quote minibuffer-exit-hook) (quote icicle-restore-region-face)) (add-hook 
(quote minibuffer-exit-hook) (quote
icicle-unhighlight-lighter)) (add-hook (quote icicle-post-command-hook) (quote 
icicle-activate-mark) (quote
append)) (add-hook (quote icicle-post-command-hook) (quote 
icicle-show-current-help-in-mode-line) (quote append))
(add-hook (quote completion-setup-hook) (quote icicle-set-calling-cmd) (quote 
append)) (when
icicle-customize-save-flag (add-hook ... ...)) (add-hook (quote 
comint-mode-hook) (quote icicle-comint-hook-fn))
(add-hook (quote compilation-mode-hook) (quote icicle-compilation-hook-fn)) 
(add-hook (quote
compilation-minor-mode-hook) (quote icicle-compilation-hook-fn)) 
(icicle-redefine-std-completion-fns) (icicle-redefine-standard-functions) 
(icicle-redefine-standard-widgets) (when (ad-find-some-advice ... ... ...) 
(ad-enable-advice ... ... ...) (unless
... ...)) (when (ad-find-some-advice ... ... ...) (ad-enable-advice ... ... 
...) (unless ... ...)) (when
(ad-find-some-advice ... ... ...) (ad-enable-advice ... ... ...) (unless ... 
...)) (when (ad-find-some-advice ...
... ...) (ad-enable-advice ... ... ...) (unless ... ...)) (when 
(ad-find-some-advice ... ... ...)
(ad-enable-advice ... ... ...) (unless ... ...)) (when (fboundp ...) 
(minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode 99)) (if
icicle-menu-items-to-history-flag (add-hook ... ...) (remove-hook ... ...)) 
(when (> emacs-major-version 22) (when
icicle-populate-interactive-history-flag ...) (ad-activate ...)) (dolist (fn 
(when ... ... ...))) (t (makunbound (quote icicle-mode-map)) 
(icicle-restore-other-keymap-keys) (remove-hook
(quote minibuffer-setup-hook) (quote icicle-minibuffer-setup)) (remove-hook 
(quote minibuffer-exit-hook) (quote
icicle-cancel-Help-redirection)) (remove-hook (quote minibuffer-exit-hook) 
(quote icicle-restore-region-face))
(remove-hook (quote icicle-post-command-hook) (quote icicle-activate-mark)) 
(remove-hook (quote
icicle-post-command-hook) (quote icicle-show-current-help-in-mode-line)) 
(remove-hook (quote pre-command-hook)
(quote icicle-top-level-prep)) (remove-hook (quote pre-command-hook) (quote 
icicle-run-icicle-pre-command-hook) t)
(remove-hook (quote post-command-hook) (quote 
icicle-run-icicle-post-command-hook) t) (remove-hook (quote
completion-setup-hook) (quote icicle-set-calling-cmd)) (remove-hook (quote 
kill-emacs-hook) (quote
icicle-command-abbrev-save)) (remove-hook (quote comint-mode-hook) (quote 
icicle-comint-hook-fn)) (remove-hook
(quote compilation-mode-hook) (quote icicle-compilation-hook-fn)) (remove-hook 
(quote compilation-minor-mode-hook)
(quote icicle-compilation-hook-fn)) (icicle-restore-std-completion-fns) 
(icicle-restore-standard-options) (icicle-restore-standard-widgets) (when 
(ad-find-some-advice ... ... ...)
(ad-disable-advice ... ... ...)) (when (ad-find-some-advice ... ... ...) 
(ad-disable-advice ... ... ...)) (when
(ad-find-some-advice ... ... ...) (ad-disable-advice ... ... ...)) (when 
(ad-find-some-advice ... ... ...)
(ad-disable-advice ... ... ...)) (when (ad-find-some-advice ... ... ...) 
(ad-disable-advice ... ... ...)) (when
(fboundp ...) (minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode -99)) (remove-hook (quote 
pre-command-hook) (quote
icicle-add-menu-item-to-cmd-history)) (when (> emacs-major-version 22) 
(ad-disable-advice ... ... ...)
(ad-activate ...)) (dolist (fn icicle-inhibit-advice-functions) (let ... 
...)))) (unless (eq
icicle-guess-commands-in-path (quote load)) (setq 
icicle-shell-command-candidates-cache nil)) (message "Turning %s
Icicle mode..." (icicle-propertize (if icicle-mode "ON" "OFF") (quote face) 
(quote icicle-msg-emphasis)))
(icicle-define-minibuffer-maps icicle-mode) (run-hooks (quote 
icicle-mode-hook)) (message "Turning %s Icicle
mode...done" (icicle-propertize (if icicle-mode "ON" "OFF") (quote face) (quote 
icicle-msg-emphasis)))))) (put
(quote icicle-mode) (quote custom-mode-group) (quote Icicles)))
  (if (fboundp (quote define-minor-mode)) (progn (if (> emacs-major-version 22) 
(progn (progn (ad-add-advice
(quote call-interactively) (quote (icicle-save-to-history nil nil ...)) (quote 
after) (quote nil)) (ad-activate
(quote call-interactively) nil) (quote call-interactively)) (if (boundp (quote 
savehist-save-hook)) (progn
(add-hook (quote savehist-save-hook) (function ...)))) (progn (ad-add-advice 
ess-internal-complete-object-name) (quote 
(icicle-ess-internal-complete-object-name nil nil ...)) (quote around)
(quote nil)) (ad-activate (quote ess-internal-complete-object-name) nil) (quote
ess-internal-complete-object-name)) (progn (ad-add-advice (quote 
ess-complete-filename) (quote
(icicle-ess-complete-filename nil nil ...)) (quote around) (quote nil)) 
(ad-activate (quote ess-complete-filename)
nil) (quote ess-complete-filename)) (progn (ad-add-advice (quote 
ess-R-complete-object-name) (quote
(icicle-ess-R-complete-object-name nil nil ...)) (quote around) (quote nil)) 
(ad-activate (quote
ess-R-complete-object-name) nil) (quote ess-R-complete-object-name)) (progn 
(ad-add-advice (quote
ess-completing-read) (quote (icicle-ess-completing-read nil nil ...)) (quote 
around) (quote nil)) (ad-activate
(quote ess-completing-read) nil) (quote ess-completing-read)))) (if (> 
emacs-major-version 21) (progn (progn
(ad-add-advice (quote describe-face) (quote (icicle-WYSIWYG-&-preds nil t ...)) 
(quote before) (quote nil))
(ad-activate (quote describe-face) nil) (quote describe-face)))) (eval (quote 
(define-minor-mode icicle-mode
"Icicle mode: Toggle minibuffer input completion and cycling.\nNon-nil prefix 
ARG turns mode on if ARG > 0, else
turns it off.\nIcicle mode is a global minor mode.  It binds keys in the 
minibuffer.\n\nYou can use
`customize-group Icicles' or `C-u customize-mode\nicicle-mode' to customize 
Icicles options and faces.\n\nFor more
information, use 
`\\<minibuffer-local-completion-map>\\[icicle-minibuffer-help]' when the 
minibuffer is
active.\n\nDepending on your platform, if you use Icicles in a text 
terminal\n(that is, without a window
system/manager), you might need to change\nsome of the key bindings if some of 
the default bindings are
not\navailable to you.\n\nIcicle mode defines many top-level commands.  For a 
list, see the\nCommentary headers of
files `icicles-cmd1.el' and `icicles-cmd2.el'." :global t :group (quote 
Icicles) :lighter " Icy" :init-value nil
(cond (icicle-mode (icicle-define-icicle-maps) (icicle-bind-other-keymap-keys) 
(add-hook ... ...) (add-hook ...
...) (add-hook ... ...) (add-hook ... ...) (add-hook ... ... ...) (add-hook ... 
... ...) (add-hook ... ... ...)
(when icicle-customize-save-flag ...) (add-hook ... ...) (add-hook ... ...) 
(add-hook ... ...)
(icicle-undo-std-completion-faces) (icicle-redefine-std-completion-fns) 
(icicle-redefine-standard-options) (icicle-redefine-standard-widgets) (when ... 
... ...) (when ... ... ...) (when
... ... ...) (when ... ... ...) (when ... ... ...) (when ... ...) (if 
icicle-menu-items-to-history-flag ... ...)
(when ... ... ...) (dolist ... ...)) (t (makunbound ...) 
(icicle-restore-other-keymap-keys) (remove-hook ... ...)
(remove-hook ... ...) (remove-hook ... ...) (remove-hook ... ...) (remove-hook 
... ...) (remove-hook ... ...)
(remove-hook ... ... t) (remove-hook ... ... t) (remove-hook ... ...) 
(remove-hook ... ...) (remove-hook ... ...)
(remove-hook ... ...) (remove-hook ... ...) (icicle-restore-std-completion-fns)
(icicle-restore-standard-functions) (icicle-restore-standard-options) 
(icicle-restore-standard-widgets) (when ...
...) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) 
(remove-hook ... ...) (when ...
... ...) (dolist ... ...))) (unless (eq icicle-guess-commands-in-path (quote 
load)) (setq
icicle-shell-command-candidates-cache nil)) (message "Turning %s Icicle 
mode..." (icicle-propertize (if
icicle-mode "ON" "OFF") (quote face) (quote icicle-msg-emphasis))) 
(icicle-define-minibuffer-maps icicle-mode)
(run-hooks (quote icicle-mode-hook)) (message "Turning %s Icicle mode...done" 
(icicle-propertize (if icicle-mode
"ON" "OFF") (quote face) (quote icicle-msg-emphasis)))))) (put (quote 
icicle-mode) (quote custom-mode-group)
(quote Icicles))))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*-888831> nil 
"/home/rainer/.emacs.d/icicles/icicles-mode.el" nil t)  ; Reading at
buffer position 31364
"/home/rainer/.emacs.d/icicles/icicles-mode.el" nil t)
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*-263728> nil 
"/home/rainer/.emacs.d/icicles/icicles.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer
position 83684
nil t)
  (if (stringp feature) (load-library feature) (require feature))
  (progn (message "Checking for library `%s'..." feature) (if (stringp feature) 
(load-library feature) (require
feature)) (message "Checking for library `%s'... Found" feature))
  (condition-case err (progn (message "Checking for library `%s'..." feature) 
(if (stringp feature) (load-library
feature) (require feature)) (message "Checking for library `%s'... Found" 
feature)) (file-error (progn (message
"Checking for library `%s'... Missing" feature) (add-to-list (quote 
missing-packages-list) feature (quote
append))) nil))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/home/rainer/.emacs" nil t)  ; Reading at 
buffer position 49432
  load-with-code-conversion("/home/rainer/.emacs" "/home/rainer/.emacs" t t)
  load("~/.emacs" t t)
  #[0 "\205\262

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