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Re: reddit (was: Re: ediff question ...)

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: reddit (was: Re: ediff question ...)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 21:09:13 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

Artur Malabarba <> writes:

> There are some new things that do things that just
> aren't offered by old things. They're just
> different. These are almost always worth
> checking out.

If I'm unaware of the "problems", they don't really
qualify as problems, do they?

Trust me, I can identify a bottleneck when I see it
and I don't need new software makers to help me
detect them.

> I don't mean an upgraded major mode with more
> features, or a new completion method (God knows how
> many of those we have around). I mean things like
> expand-region, Magit, or sx.

OK then, what do they do?

> I'm curious as to what you mean by radical steps?
> Is that referring to adding Melpa/Marmalade to
> your archives?

No, the radical steps would be to hunt packs as a way
of solving problems instead of just using the old
tools that have solved thousands of problems and
continue to do so every day of the week, tools that
are tweaked and adopted and have stood the test
of time.

No, I know how some people talk. They get enthusiastic
about new software. Did you try that? What version do
you have? In this piece of software I like that, but
in this, I like that - I'm considering switching to...
and so on. To me that tells me they are not really
craftsmen. I never saw carpenters get extatic about
hammers and nails. A sound interest for tools is not
the same as treating it as some hyped commodity,
turning yourself into a consumer and not a producer or
even seasoned user (as you'd "switch" too often for
that to ever happen).

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