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Re: How the backquote and the comma really work?

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: How the backquote and the comma really work?
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 22:33:37 +0200

On 2015-07-12, at 21:55, Marcin Borkowski <> wrote:

> On 2015-07-12, at 17:54, Michael Heerdegen <> wrote:
>> There is a problem though when the read expression is nested.  I tried
>> to `mci/read' this string for example:
>>   "(defun fac (x) (if (< 2 x) 1 (* x (fac (1- x)))))"
>> and got
>>   (defun fac :open-paren x)
>> as result.  If you Edebug your functions, you can see what goes wrong.
>> Please tell me if you need more hints...
> Good catch, thanks.  No need for edebug, I guess – I haven’t looked at
> my code, but I guess I know the problem already.  Stupid me.

So, what about this?  It seems to work.  OTOH, I think it's not the most
elegant thing possible, since there is some code duplication: mci/read
has this: (:open-paren (mci/read-list-contents)) in a (a)case statement,
and mci/read-list-contents has this: (:open-paren (setq next
(mci/read-list-contents))).  Something tells my mathematical mind that
there probably exists a cleaner approach.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(require 'anaphora)                     ; we'll need acase

;; Reader

(defun mci/next-token ()
  "Get the next token from the current buffer at point position.
A token can be: an integer, a symbol, a parenthesis, a comma,
a backquote or a quote.  Return a number (in case of an integer),
a symbol (in case of a symbol), or one of the symbols: :open-paren,
:close-paren, :quote, :quasi-quote, :unquote, :eob.  (Of course, if
someone is devious enough to include one of these symbols in the
expression being read, he'll get what he deserves: a chaos.)"
  (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
  (cond ((eq (char-after) ?\()
        ((eq (char-after) ?\))
        ((eq (char-after) ?\')
        ((eq (char-after) ?\`)
        ((eq (char-after) ?\,)
        ((looking-at "\\([-+]?[[:digit:]]+\\)[ \t\n)]")
         (skip-chars-forward "[:digit:]")
         (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
        ((looking-at "[^ \t\n)]+")
         (goto-char (match-end 0))
         (intern (match-string-no-properties 0)))

(defun mci/read ()
  "Read one Elisp expression from the buffer at point."
  (acase (mci/next-token)
    (:open-paren (mci/read-list-contents))
     (error "Unexpected closing paren at line %d encountered -- mci/read"
    (:quote (list 'quote (mci/read)))
    (:quasi-quote (list 'quasi-quote (mci/read)))
    (:unquote (list 'unquote (mci/read)))
    (:eob nil)
    (t it)))

(defun mci/read-list-contents ()
  "Read list contents (until the closing paren), gobble the
closing paren."
  (let ((next (mci/next-token))
    (while (not (eq next :close-paren))
      (case next
        (:open-paren (setq next (mci/read-list-contents)))
        (:eob (error "Unexpected EOB while reading a list -- 
        (t (push next list)
           (setq next (mci/next-token)))))
    (nreverse list)))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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