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Re: Execute a string as a command

From: Joost Kremers
Subject: Re: Execute a string as a command
Date: 6 Nov 2015 09:43:03 GMT
User-agent: slrn/1.0.1 (Linux)

Tim Johnson wrote:
> Here is an example of what could be a working function 'interning'
> a string :
> (defun tj-toggle-funcs ()
>   "Toggle functions"
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((menu
>        '("" ("" ("Transient Mark Mode" . "transient-mark-mode"))
>              ("Truncate Lines" . "toggle-truncate-lines")
>              ("Show Tabs" .  "toggle-tabs-font-lock"))))
>       (choice ))
>     (setq choice (tmm-prompt menu))
>     (if choice
>       (call-interactively (intern choice)))))
> My preference *would* be that a command object be read from the
> 'menu structure, but wasn't able to make it work.     
> So my next step is to figure out how to place a command object as a
> value instead of a string... and then evaluate it properly.

Check out the Elisp manual on pop-up menus, which use the function
x-popup-menu, which takes the same kind of menu structure as tmm-prompt.

C-h i Elisp RET Pop-up menus RET

An alternative to what you're trying to do would be to use the hydra

Here is my toggle hydra, for example:

(defhydra jk-hydra-toggle (:color blue)
  ("d" toggle-debug-on-error "Debug")
  ("w" writeroom-mode "Writeroom")
  ("i" ispell-change-dictionary "Change Ispell Dictionary")
  ("f" toggle-fill-unfill "Fill")
  ("F" follow-mode "Follow mode")
  ("t" orgtbl-mode "OrgTbl mode")
  ("y" typo-mode "Typo mode")
  ("q" nil "Cancel"))
(bind-key "s-r" #'jk-hydra-toggle/body)

Yeah, ok, so `ispell-change-dictionary` is not a toggle... But you get the
idea. ;-)


Joost Kremers                         
Selbst in die Unterwelt dringt durch Spalten Licht

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