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Re: removing white space highlight

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: removing white space highlight
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 04:29:59 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (gnu/linux)

Robert Thorpe <> writes:

>> I'll be like that once for every file.
> Yes, for decades.

Are there so really so many files that are left
untouched for so long?

Why can't you do it once for all files?

Or, by all means, do it as it goes along. It should
only happen when a file is edited or added. If it is,
all the better: it is forever fixed. If it isn't
edited this isn't an issue as nothing will
happen anyway.

> That's far too high a price to pay for being
> perfectionist about whitespace.

Being a perfectionist in the negative sense is
spending too much time on stuff that doesn't mean
anything, really, and/or being neurotic about it.

This discussion for example is perhaps closing in on
that :)

However not wanting to have trailing whitespace and
having it automatized in four lines of Elisp and then
have the desired behavior forever seems like rather
good craftmanship to me...

> I don't think you understand how useful blaming is
> to people who do maintenance programing.

If this is automatized like I've described the issue
should forever be removed from the realm of humans.
Only the machines will know about it before long...

But I'm fine ending the discussion. I'm not
maintaining any cooperative software anyway and
I don't plan to, ever. I'm a solo climber. When there
is one person, he knows where the rope is. When there
is twenty everyone subconsciously relax and suddenly
at the attack camp there is a bottleneck and the guy
first in line says: "Where is the gear? Where is
the equipment?" Uh-oh!

I know where my rope is - here:

    ;; (setq before-save-hook nil)
    (defun before-save-hook-f ()
      (delete-trailing-whitespace) )
    (setq before-save-hook #'before-save-hook-f)


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