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Re: use-package

From: Kaushal Modi
Subject: Re: use-package
Date: Thu, 05 May 2016 15:56:03 +0000

> > >> For example, diminishing minor modes -- I think we have overloaded the
> > >> functionality of minor modes; many (company say, or eldoc) you either
> > >> want on or off. Do I really need mode-line space to be taken up
> telling
> > >> me that company is one? And is the mode-line the only place we can
> > >> display this information?
> > >
> > > There are of course ways (e.g. packages) to reduce the mode-line
> > > indications.  But I think it might be good if vanilla Emacs provided
> > > a simple way for a user to not display particular lighters (mode
> > > indications in the mode-line).
> >
> > I don't think this is the right solution. Asking the user to choose
> > which lighters to hide is just passing the buck.

I also have a same opinion as Drew. Hiding minor mode lighters is very
subjective. You might find a particular mode lighter as useless but someone
else might be wanting that. So I would also leave it up to the users on
which lighters they want to hide.

Why might a user want to show the lighter for a global minor
> mode?  Some minor modes you will turn on and off, perhaps
> even frequently.  For some of those you might well want to
> know whether it is on or off.
> This is no different than for a local minor mode, such as
> overwrite mode.  You might well want to know whether a
> particular mode is on.
> It can depend on the mode and on the user.  There is no
> one-size-fits-all, IMHO.  And that is true of global modes
> as well as local ones.


A library can of course choose not to have a lighter for some
> mode (local or global).  But in the end, users too need to be
> able to easily adjust things to suit their tastes and needs.

The rich-minority package in GNU Elpa ( ) is basically this:
Allows the user to hide the lighters they want AND also modify them to
their liking.

I do not like the extra spacing between the lighters and I choose each
lighter to be just one character (regular or unicode) (or 2 at max).

So I have this ( ) using rich-minority.

(use-package rich-minority
    (setq rm-blacklist
          '(" WK"        ; which-key
            " hc"        ; hardcore mode
            " AC"        ; auto-complete
            " vl"        ; global visual line mode enabled
            " Wrap"      ; shows up if visual-line-mode is enabled for that
            " Omit"      ; omit mode in dired
            " yas"       ; yasnippet
            " drag"      ; drag-stuff-mode
            " VHl"       ; volatile highlights
            " ctagsU"    ; ctags update
            " Undo-Tree" ; undo tree
            " wr"        ; Wrap Region
            " SliNav"    ; elisp-slime-nav
            " Fly"       ; Flycheck
            " PgLn"      ; page-line-break
            " ElDoc"     ; eldoc
            " GG"        ; ggtags
            " hs"        ; hideshow
            " hs+"       ;
            " ez-esc"    ; easy-escape
            " ivy"       ; ivy
            " h"         ; hungry-delete-mode
    (setq rm-text-properties '(("\\` Ovwrt\\'" 'face
'font-lock-warning-face))) ; default
    (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Abbrev\\'" 'display "​@")) ;
    (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Ind\\'"    'display "​*>")) ;
org indent
    (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Outl\\'"   'display "​ø")) ;
    (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Server\\'" 'display "​Σ")) ;
    (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` μ\\'"      'display "​μ")) ;
    (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Wg\\'"     'display "​w")) ;
    (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` =>\\'"     'display "​a")) ;
aggressive indent
    (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Vis\\'"    'display "​V")) ;
    (with-eval-after-load 'setup-symbola
      (if font-symbola-p
            (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Tail\\'" 'display
"​🢛")) ; auto revert tail
            (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Temp\\'" 'display
"​𝘵")) ; temp
            (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` rk\\'"   'display
"​▯")) ; region bindings
            (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` (\\*)\\'" 'display
"​💡")) ; beacon
            (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Hi\\'"   'display
"​🞵"))) ; Hi-Lock
          (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Tail\\'" 'display
          (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Temp\\'" 'display "​t"))
          (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` rk\\'"   'display "​r"))
          (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` (\\*)\\'" 'display "​*"))
          (add-to-list 'rm-text-properties '("\\` Hi\\'"   'display


Kaushal Modi

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