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grep excludes

From: Rustom Mody
Subject: grep excludes
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2016 08:22:48 +0530

When we run grep the exclude list is this:

grep  --exclude=.\#\* --exclude=\*.o --exclude=\*\~ --exclude=\*.bin
--exclude=\*.lbin --exclude=\*.so --exclude=\*.a --exclude=\*.ln
--exclude=\*.blg --exclude=\*.bbl --exclude=\*.elc --exclude=\*.lof
--exclude=\*.glo --exclude=\*.idx --exclude=\*.lot --exclude=\*.fmt
--exclude=\*.tfm --exclude=\*.class --exclude=\*.fas --exclude=\*.lib
--exclude=\*.mem --exclude=\*.x86f --exclude=\*.sparcf --exclude=\*.dfsl
--exclude=\*.pfsl --exclude=\*.d64fsl --exclude=\*.p64fsl
--exclude=\*.lx64fsl --exclude=\*.lx32fsl --exclude=\*.dx64fsl
--exclude=\*.dx32fsl --exclude=\*.fx64fsl --exclude=\*.fx32fsl
--exclude=\*.sx64fsl --exclude=\*.sx32fsl --exclude=\*.wx64fsl
--exclude=\*.wx32fsl --exclude=\*.fasl --exclude=\*.ufsl --exclude=\*.fsl
--exclude=\*.dxl --exclude=\*.lo --exclude=\*.la --exclude=\*.gmo
--exclude=\*.mo --exclude=\*.toc --exclude=\*.aux --exclude=\*.cp
--exclude=\*.fn --exclude=\*.ky --exclude=\*.pg --exclude=\*.tp
--exclude=\*.vr --exclude=\*.cps --exclude=\*.fns --exclude=\*.kys
--exclude=\*.pgs --exclude=\*.tps --exclude=\*.vrs --exclude=\*.pyc
--exclude=\*.pyo -i --color -nH -e emacs * .*

It literally fills up and overflows the whole window!!

Given that most of these are file types of OSes/Apps that are long defunct
Yeah I know about
1. option grep-find-ignored-files
2. That GREP_OPTIONS env variable became deprecated

But grep has an --exclude-from option that will take all these globs from a

Would it not be nice to have a customize option that reads this file (if
rather than filling a screen-full of irrelevant excludes??

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