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Re: An article about Emacs for TUGboat

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: An article about Emacs for TUGboat
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 16:26:06 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:

> May I suggest that you put the introduction
> to Emacs in an annex at the end of the
> article? Or even, since there are tons of
> introductions to emacs concepts, why not
> refer to them instead of writing your own ?

Indeed, better to write an essay style article!

You have used Emacs and TeX more than enough
for this. Just write what you find interesting,
it doesn't have to give a full/representative
insight. Those articles are often boring to
read as well.

For several years I wanted to put together an
essay style anthology called "The Emacs World".
This would be in style like this UNIX book [1],
so it would be a "cultural history" for
hackers, but not a manual or a book with the
purpose of enhancing anyone's skills, just
knowledge, "facts for fans" if you will.
One chapter would be Emacs-w3m, one Gnus, one
Elisp, and tho I never thought of it until now,
why not one TeX?

[1] @book{quarter-century-of-unix,
  title      = {A Quarter Century of UNIX},
  author     = {Peter Salus},
  publisher  = {Addison-Wesley},
  year       = 1994,
  ISBN       = 0201547775,

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