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Re: Extending TOC Buffer Outlines

From: Daniel Nemenyi
Subject: Re: Extending TOC Buffer Outlines
Date: Thu, 03 May 2018 14:52:22 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.18; emacs 25.1.1

Thanks Göktuğ,

Göktuğ Kayaalp writes:

> On 2018-04-27 15:00 +01, Daniel Nemenyi <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm writing a LaTeX document and using the \section{} titles to write
>> inline abstracts of the text beneath them. The ever-handy emacs TOC
>> buffer is great but it crops these down to 100 characters, which for
>> most use cases is completely reasonable, but I'd like to see their whole
>> text - and, yes, wrapped too if that's not too big a hassle!
> Hi,
> you may want to try Imenu which will add a menu to the menu bar that
> lists parts of the documents and you can click to jump to them (see
> (info "(emacs) Imenu")), and conveniently in TeX buffer it lists
> \sections.  To add it, add this:
>     (imenu-add-to-menubar "Sections")
> to your TeX mode's hook.  By default it uses up to 60 chars from the
> sections name, but you can set _imenu-max-item-length_ to something like
> 1000 so that it shows all of the section title.  It does _not_ wrap
> though.  But on my ~15" laptop screen it can show sth. about 200
> characters, so it might be good enough.  I don't know what command
> brings up the mode you use, so I can't compare.

I'm going to expose my ignorance here and say that I'm not sure how to
implement that in code :/

A different workaround might be to display the optional abbreviated
title instead if it exists. Ie, where

\section[short title]{full title}

Will print the short title in the actual PDF TOC and title, but the full
title inline and in reftex-toc, have reftex-toc print the short title


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