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Re: Most used words in current buffer

From: Udyant Wig
Subject: Re: Most used words in current buffer
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2018 01:09:25 +0530
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On 07/21/2018 11:52 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> (defun buffer-most-used-words-2 (n)
>>   "Make a list of the N most used words in buffer."
>>   (let ((counts (avl-tree-create (lambda (wc1 wc2)
>>                                 (string< (first wc1) (first wc2)))))
>>      (words (split-string (buffer-string)))
> If you want to go fast, don't use split-string+buffer-string.  Scan
> through the buffer and extract each word with buffer-substring
> directly.
>>       (let ((element (avl-tree-member counts (list (downcase word)
> I'd use a hash-table (implemented in C) rather than an avl-tree
> (implemented in Elisp).

After spending (too) many hours on this, I believe that I have a better

(require 'cl-lib)

;; Can this hack be made better?
(defun whitespace-p (char)
  (or (eq char 9) (eq char 10) (eq char 13)) (eq char 32))

(defun buffer-most-used-words-3 (n)
  "Make a list of the N most used words in buffer."
  (let ((counts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (cl-loop with word = nil
               with start = 0
               with end = 0
               with state = 'space
               with char = nil
               until (eobp)
               (setf char (char-after))
               (cond ((eq state 'space)
                      (when (not (whitespace-p char))
                        (setf start (point)
                              state 'word)))
                     ((eq state 'word)
                      (when (whitespace-p char)
                        (setf end (point)
                              state 'space
                              word (buffer-substring start end))
                        (incf (gethash word counts 0)))))
    (cl-loop for word being the hash-keys of counts
             using (hash-values count)
             (push (list word count) sorted-counts)
             finally (setf sorted-counts (cl-sort sorted-counts #'>
                                                  :key #'second)))
    (mapcar #'first (cl-subseq sorted-counts 0 n))))

In regard to performance, it is slightly better than
BUFFER-MOST-USED-WORDS-1, which used a combination of SPLIT-STRING on
BUFFER-STRING along with a hash-table.  Here are timings over ten runs
each for a 4.5 MB text file:

buffer-most-used-words-1:    4.7362510517 seconds
buffer-most-used-words-3:    4.4849896529 seconds

>         Stefan

Udyant Wig
We make our discoveries through our mistakes: we watch one another's
success: and where there is freedom to experiment there is hope to
                                -- Arthur Quiller-Couch

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