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Re: Knowing where a function has been used (bis) [Was: Re: Optimising El

From: tomas
Subject: Re: Knowing where a function has been used (bis) [Was: Re: Optimising Elisp code]
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 10:10:00 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Sat, Oct 06, 2018 at 11:42:12PM +0200, Garreau, Alexandre wrote:


> Not really, including this, but I was speaking about the find-definition
> feature of emacs specifically, since afterwards I talk about a symmetric
> feature, that is, store the list of symbols refered by each function, even (or
> rather, especially) if it is compiled, in a place linked to each
> function definition: so if the functions `f', `g' and `h' refer to `a',
> having in something linked to the `a' symbol [...]

OK, I roughly got your idea. I'm a bit out of time to discuss those
things at depth (I'd have to do much more reading than I could ATM
to be able to do more than just handwaving), but one last observation
from me: I think what is going to kill you is the inherently dynamic
nature of LISP (think eval: once you reach such a point, potentially
*every* function, even those not yet known at compile time, can be
referenced). This is a trait LISP shares with other languages like
Javascript. Your strategy might make more sense in a context like
Haskell, where the compiler "knows everything" (yeah, sloppy, but
I think you get what I mean).

-- tomás

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