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Re: Using gdb (windows popping up)

From: jonetsu
Subject: Re: Using gdb (windows popping up)
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 12:09:08 -0400

On Sun, 9 Jun 2019 11:52:46 -0400
jonetsu <> wrote:

> ... until the debugging session starts.  At which point emacs decides
> to create a new whole emacs app/window with the source code in it.  It
> boldly replaces the source window with the debugged app's output
> window and throws the source into a new emacs instance.

Using sr-speedbar-open prior to starting gdb solves the problem of
popping up a new emacs instance.  That is, sr-speedbar with the
following added in .emacs (which I found in stack exchange, regarding
speedbar not being able to use the current emacs frame)

(defadvice delete-other-windows (after
my-sr-speedbar-delete-other-window-advice activate) "Check whether we
are in speedbar, if it is, jump to next window." (let ()
        (when (and (sr-speedbar-window-exist-p sr-speedbar-window)
               (eq sr-speedbar-window (selected-window)))
      (other-window 1)
(ad-enable-advice 'delete-other-windows 'after
'my-sr-speedbar-delete-other-window-advice) (ad-activate

Since emacs/gdb will use speedbar anyways to display watch items, might
as well load it up front.

So this seems to resolve the problem with new instances popping up.

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