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Re: Using gdb (windows popping up)

From: jonetsu
Subject: Re: Using gdb (windows popping up)
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 12:18:23 -0400

On Sun, 9 Jun 2019 12:09:08 -0400
jonetsu <> wrote:

> So this seems to resolve the problem with new instances popping up.

... Until the debugged app outputs something.  Then yes, the problem
with a new emacs instance popping is solved, but emacs insists on
replacing the source code with the output window.  At which point,
putting the cursor in that output window and selecting the source
buffer to be displayed right there where the cursor is (as this is the
normal behaviour in emacs) will show the source in the gdb
interactive window, tossing it away.

Putting away the output window (C-x 0) and selecting the source code
buffer, as well as bringing up the gdb interactive window gets back on
track ... until the next output is made by the debugged app.  At which
point another 'dance of the windows' has to be made.

The output window was not closed, only toss away (C-x 0) - why not
output anything fro the debugged app in there without having to show it
and replace the source buffer ?

It's a bit of a mess.  I'd like to establish a good clean simple base
to work with emacs and gdb - is it possible at all ?

Reading here and there about similar problem pops up a lot of
suggestions, a lot of them.  Install this, install that, do this .emacs
modification, add this - oh not that doe snot work - then add that
instead, etc, etc...

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