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Org Capture - Copy of Entry to another Org File

From: daniela-spit
Subject: Org Capture - Copy of Entry to another Org File
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 15:12:20 +0100

I am making some templates for Org Capture, code below.

Is it possible to have an option to send a copy of a Todo Entry
(stored in to either the "Today" or "This Week" in

-------- start of code --------

   (setq org-capture-templates
      `(("t" "Todo: Schedule")              ; backquote construct
        ("te" "Todo: Entry" entry
           (file "~/ghistr/gadmin/")
           ,(concat                        ; special marker [,]
               "* TODO %^{Heading}\n  Brief: %^{Brief}\n  Detail: %?\n"
               "  Scheduled: %^T\n  Entered: %T\n  Link: %a\n")
           :clock-in t :clock-resume t)

        ("td" "+ Today" entry
           (file "~/02histr/gadmin/")
           ,(concat                        ; special marker [,]
               "* TODO %^{Today|ThisWeek|ThisQuarter}\n"
               "%^{Heading}\n %i")
           :clock-in t :clock-resume t)

        ("tw" "+ Week" entry
           (file "~/02histr/gadmin/")
               "* TODO %^{Heading}\n  Brief: %^{Brief}\n  Detail: %?\n"
               "  %^{Scheduled: |Today|This Week|This Quarter}\n"
               "  Scheduled: %^T\n  Entered: %T\n  Link: %a\n")
           :clock-in t :clock-resume t)

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