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Designing people and organization management for Emacs

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Designing people and organization management for Emacs
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2020 23:15:31 +0300

I have this already since years and I am using it efficiently. There
is nothing much I ever think about the underlying database.

Purpose of this is to design package with contacts management for
Emacs. Many functions I already have. I am quickly sending emails,
SMS, quickly locating contacts, interacting with them and
similar. There are many tables in the database and contacts is one of
most important one.

Today I would not call it any more "contacts", I would rather like to
call it people. As contact is also organization or company as entity
in itself.

I would change or rename many of columns to be more meaningful.

- some people have too many emails that may not fit into 3 fields or 6
  fields here, maybe I should work with the array of emails

- same for the phone, some have more than 3 phone numbers

It would be best if it all fits in one database table. Not that one
has to enter phones somewhere else and reference it from people's
table. I like to make one package for Emacs that handles people and

Comments are welcome.

I am especially looking into insights:

- what other entries may be required for people's table?

- how to rename or name columns more meaningful and international? I
  was idiosyncratic in naming columns

- anything what is wrong with the table?

All opinions are appreciated.

Table "public.contacts"
           Column           |            Type             | Collation | 
Nullable |                    Default                    | Storage  | Stats 
target |     Description      
 contacts_id                | integer                     |           | not 
null | nextval('contacts_contacts_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              
| ID
 contacts_datecreated       | timestamp without time zone |           |         
 | now()                                         | plain    |              | 
Date created
 contacts_datemodified      | timestamp without time zone |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
Date modified
 contacts_timestamp         | timestamp with time zone    |           |         
 | now()                                         | plain    |              | 
 contacts_prefix            | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
 contacts_firstname         | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
First name
 contacts_additionalnames   | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Middle names
 contacts_lastname          | text                        |           | not 
null |                                               | extended |              
| Last name
 contacts_suffix            | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
 contacts_namesformat       | integer                     |           |         
 | 2                                             | plain    |              | 
Name's format
 contacts_account1          | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
 contacts_account2          | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
 contacts_account3          | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
Member of
 contacts_leadsource        | integer                     |           |         
 | 12                                            | plain    |              | 
Lead source
 contacts_title             | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
 contacts_department        | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
 contacts_birthdate         | date                        |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
 contacts_reportsto         | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
Reports to
 contacts_donotcall         | boolean                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | Do 
not call
 contacts_invalid1          | boolean                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
Invalid e-mail (1)
 contacts_invalid2          | boolean                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
Invalid e-mail (2)
 contacts_invalid3          | boolean                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
Invalid e-mail (3)
 contacts_officephone       | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Office phone
 contacts_mobilephone       | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Mobile phone
 contacts_homephone         | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Home phone
 contacts_otherphone        | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Other phone
 contacts_fax               | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | Fax
 contacts_email1            | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
E-mail (1)
 contacts_email2            | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
E-mail (2)
 contacts_email3            | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
E-mail (3)
 contacts_website           | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
 contacts_blogfeed          | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Blog feed
 contacts_im1               | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | IM 
 contacts_im1type           | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | IM 
 contacts_im2               | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | IM 
 contacts_im2type           | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | IM 
(2) Type
 contacts_im3               | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | IM 
 contacts_im3type           | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | IM 
(3) Type
 contacts_primaryaddress    | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Primary address
 contacts_primarycity       | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Primary city
 contacts_primarypostalcode | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Primary postal code
 contacts_primarystate      | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Primary state
 contacts_primarycountry    | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
Primary country
 contacts_otheraddress      | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Other address
 contacts_othercity         | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Other city
 contacts_otherpostalcode   | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Other postal code
 contacts_otherstate        | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
Other state
 contacts_othercountry      | integer                     |           |         
 |                                               | plain    |              | 
Other country
 contacts_description       | text                        |           |         
 |                                               | extended |              | 
 contacts_modifiedusername  | text                        |           | not 
null | "current_user"()                              | extended |              
| Modified by username
 contacts_createdusername   | text                        |           | not 
null | "current_user"()                              | extended |              
| Created by username
 contacts_introducedby      | integer                     |           |         
 | 1                                             | plain    |              | 
Introduced by
    "contacts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (contacts_id)
    "contacts_email_index" btree (contacts_email1, contacts_email2, 
    "contacts_faster_idx" btree (contacts_id, contacts_firstname, 
contacts_lastname, contacts_email1, contacts_email2, contacts_email3, 
contacts_account1, contacts_account2, contacts_account3, 
Check constraints:
    "contacts_additionalnames_check" CHECK (contacts_additionalnames !~ '
    "contacts_contacts_lastname_check" CHECK (length(contacts_lastname) > 0)
    "contacts_email1_check" CHECK (contacts_email1 !~ '
    "contacts_email2_check" CHECK (contacts_email2 !~ '
    "contacts_email3_check" CHECK (contacts_email3 !~ '
    "contacts_firstname_check" CHECK (contacts_firstname !~ '
    "contacts_lastname_check" CHECK (contacts_lastname !~ '
Foreign-key constraints:
    "contacts_contacts_account1_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_account1) 
REFERENCES accounts(accounts_id)
    "contacts_contacts_account2_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_account2) 
REFERENCES accounts(accounts_id)
    "contacts_contacts_account3_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_account3) 
REFERENCES accounts(accounts_id)
    "contacts_contacts_im1type_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_im1type) REFERENCES 
    "contacts_contacts_im2type_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_im2type) REFERENCES 
    "contacts_contacts_im3type_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_im3type) REFERENCES 
    "contacts_contacts_introducedby_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_introducedby) 
REFERENCES contacts(contacts_id)
    "contacts_contacts_leadsource_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_leadsource) 
REFERENCES leadsources(leadsources_id)
    "contacts_contacts_namesformat_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_namesformat) 
REFERENCES namesformat(namesformat_id)
    "contacts_contacts_othercountry_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_othercountry) 
REFERENCES countries(countries_id)
    "contacts_contacts_prefix_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_prefix) REFERENCES 
    "contacts_contacts_primarycountry_fkey" FOREIGN KEY 
(contacts_primarycountry) REFERENCES countries(countries_id)
    "contacts_contacts_reportsto_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_reportsto) 
REFERENCES contacts(contacts_id)
    "contacts_contacts_suffix_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (contacts_suffix) REFERENCES 

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