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Re: Which modifier to use?

From: TRS-80
Subject: Re: Which modifier to use?
Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2020 16:29:39 -0500
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.15

On 2020-12-05 10:03, Arthur Miller wrote:

I leave Super to my window manager and xbindkeys; and all other
modifiers go to applications. It is a rule. Makes life easier if you
switch between Windows and GNU/Linux

Luckily I can avoid Windoze nearly 100% of the time nowadays, however I
still follow this rule and think it's a great idea, anyway.

I use i3 (wm) and have lots of custom keybindings at the OS/WM level,
they are all based on using Super as modifier.  So, in my mind, Super
(aka "Win") has to do with window manager.

Inside Emacs, I also group related keybindings behind a sort of "leader"
key, for example (dk here is alias for define-key, stricty to shorten
these lines so I can keep nice formatting):

(dk global-map (kbd "C-c y")   '("Yankpad"               . nil))
(dk global-map (kbd "C-c y c") '("Capture" . yankpad-capture-snippet)) (dk global-map (kbd "C-c y e") '("Edit" . yankpad-edit)) (dk global-map (kbd "C-c y i") '("Insert" . yankpad-insert)) (dk global-map (kbd "C-c y r") '("Reload" . yankpad-reload)) (dk global-map (kbd "C-c y R") '("Repeat" . yankpad-repeat)) (dk global-map (kbd "C-c y s") '("Set (local) category" . yankpad-set-local-category)) (dk global-map (kbd "C-c y S") '("Set (global) category" . yankpad-set-category))

I think it is little known that you can define keys in this way, I
learned it while setting up which-key.  If you use that package, the car
of the alist will appear as the description, allowing you to create sort
of poor man's menu system.  :)


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