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Setting org-todo-keyword-faces

From: daniela-spit
Subject: Setting org-todo-keyword-faces
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2020 18:10:03 +0100

I would be grateful to know how I could make the following setup
more organised.

(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
   '(("TODO"        . (:background "black"   :foreground "red"
                       :weight bold))
     ("STARTED"     . (:background "black"   :foreground "magenta"
                       :weight bold))
     ("WAITING"     . (:background "magenta" :foreground "black"
                       :weight bold))
     ("FINALISE"    . (:background "magenta" :foreground "black"
                       :weight bold))
     ("DONE"        . (:background "orange"  :foreground "black"
                       :weight bold))
     ("CRITICAL"    . (:background "blak"    :foreground "red"
                       :weight bold))
     ("CR-STARTED"  . (:background "red"     :foreground "black"
                       :weight bold))
     ("CR-WAITING"  . (:background "red"     :foreground "black"
                       :weight bold))
     ("CR-FINALISE" . (:background "red"     :foreground "black"
                       :weight bold))
     ("CR-DONE"     . (:background "orange"  :foreground "black"
                       :weight bold)) ))

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