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Re: finding stuff

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: finding stuff
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2021 10:13:15 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

* Tomas Hlavaty <> [2021-01-24 05:33]:
> Hi,
> is there a way to search "everything" which comes with Emacs?

There are ways to search everything that comes with Emacs. There is
just no united way for everything.

> Example: I do not remember Local Variables section syntax and have to
> look it up.  I try various things, fail and end up using web browser.
> That is far from ideal.

The menu item HELP - DESCRIBE contains many pointers. Then you have
plethora of M-x apropos* and M-x describe* functions. Then you have
the manual with {C-h r} and {C-h i} for other manuals.

> Today I invested a bit more time and found C-h d command so C-h d "local
> variables" and then C-s "local variables:" finds something: one hit
> only.  Now I discovered add-file-local-variable function.  But still not
> the syntax of the Local Variables section.

Try here:

(info "(emacs) Specifying File Variables")
(info "(emacs) Safe File Variables")

> Searching info is still a mystery to me.  Is there a way to search
> across all info files?

M-x info-apropos searches through many info files.

> Is there a way to search everything which comes with emacs,
> e.g. function names, docstrings, info, NEWS etc?

Obviously yes, there are various methods. But I do not think there is
one unified method to search everything together. I also do not find
it necessary.

I also recommend using {M-x package-install RET hyperbole RET} as it
will help with quicker jumping from function to function. For example
when I am on some definition of a function such as (dolist (a b)) if I
press M-RET on "dolist" then it brings me quickly to function definition in 
other window where I can see:

(defmacro dolist (spec &rest body)
  "Loop over a list.
Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each car from LIST, in turn.


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