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Re: not good proposal: "C-z <letter>" reserved for users

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: not good proposal: "C-z <letter>" reserved for users
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2021 10:58:05 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

* Emanuel Berg via Users list for the GNU Emacs text editor 
<> [2021-02-14 04:54]:
> I'm just one person (d'oh) who didn't even knew of the survey,
> and TBH I was totally chocked by that digit (7344 responses) -
> I mean, here were are some 20 bunch of guys talking about the
> same damn stuff year in year out - and suddenly 7344 people
> have responded to a, to me unheard of survey! - but anyway ...
> in my case it isn't correct.

It was advertised mostly on Reddit page. That page does not even
advertise official Emacs website. Sadly. I consider it biased and
specific to specific groups of users, mostly on Reddit.

> So I never did Vim. I understand "visudo" but apart from
> understanding it it doesn't make sense to me based on previous
> or any experience whatsoever actually.

I have no idea which editors I have used before, if I remember well
some Norton Commander related or similar. With GNU/Linux in 1999 I
have learned about various editors equally, so Emacs and vi or nvi at
that time. For most of shorter tasks today I may choose nvi or vi,
like BSD version. Sometimes vim; for dwelling, doing life and
programming I use Emacs. I wish I could or maybe I should, expand all
the database related functions to use the program `bemenu' instead of
Emacs narrowing completion frameworks or tabulated-list-mode whenever
I am using some other editor. That way I could program Emacs Lisp to
be invoked from other editors to help me in editing and processing
actions related to people equally.

> Indeed, I think the terminal multiplexers and in particular
> tmux has removed the need for C-z/fg. It is better as well,
> since you don't let go of Emacs.

Concurrent running of a processes in the same time is not related to
suspending a job or unsuspending it, or running the job in the
background of single shell.

tmux, screen or nohup are not related to shell job control. They run
processes and continue running them even if user logs off. That
feature is not related to job control of a process, but it can be
helpful to keep the suspended job in a shell even if user logs off.


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