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How to enable <stdin> when run Perl in Emacs?

From: znavko
Subject: How to enable <stdin> when run Perl in Emacs?
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2021 18:45:28 +0000

Hello, Emacs Help!
I tried to use Emacs Elpy for Python, and there was a simple way to run my code 
with just only C-c C-c. 
Standard input worked fine there, I could interact with my program in separate 
Emacs window.

I wish the same codeing on Perl in Emacs. I've installed Perl Development 
Environment from CPAN
and added lines into .emacs file. Perl highlights perfectly, but there are some 

1. Running scripts is very slow, because I need to press 'C-c r', then Emacs 
ask 'would you like to save file', also it may ask me 'there is a process of 
compilation, do you want to kill it?'
Here i want just one single command torun my script without any question.

2. There is no possibility tointeract with my program in the Emacs window where 
my script is executing.
I found some hacks how to use <stdin> in PDE but that is for running scripts 
with Emacs from terminal, not from the window where I coding it.

Is there any comfortable Emacs module for Perl editing and debugging like Elpy 
for python?
This is my simple program that cannot get any input from the emacs window:
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

say 'Hello!';

print "How old are you?";
my $age = <>;
print "WOW! You are $age years old!";
This is my .emacs:

; One window mode
 (setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
;; perl mode pde
 (add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/pde/lisp")
 (load "pde-load")
;; python emacs-elpy
; (setq python-shell-interpreter "python3")
; (setq elpy-rpc-python-command "python3")
;; tab indent
;; set default tab char's display width to 4 spaces
(setq-default tab-width 4) ; emacs 23.1 to 26 default to 8

;; set current buffer's tab char's display width to 4 spaces
(setq tab-width 4)
;; BasicCustomization
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t) ;; disable welcome message
(global-linum-mode t) ;; enable line numbers globally
(setq linum-format "%4d u2502") ;; format line number spacing

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