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Re: [solved]: Re: Finding last *Async Shell Command* buffer?

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: [solved]: Re: Finding last *Async Shell Command* buffer?
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 14:26:13 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0.6 (2021-03-06)

* Eli Zaretskii <> [2021-03-26 14:18]:
> > Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 11:55:52 +0300
> > From: Jean Louis <>
> > Cc:
> > 
> > Maybe the function `get-buffer-create' could be changed to increase
> > the number of newly created buffers instead of just taking some of
> > empty numbers in a series?
> Perhaps as an optional behavior.  Doing that by default is usually not
> what users want.

In description of `get-buffer-create' there is no mentioning of number
assigned to buffer and now I don't know if it applies there. But I see

(generate-new-buffer-name NAME &optional IGNORE)

Return a string that is the name of no existing buffer based on NAME.
If there is no live buffer named NAME, then return NAME.
Otherwise modify name by appending ‘<NUMBER>’, incrementing NUMBER
(starting at 2) until an unused name is found, and then return that name.
Optional second argument IGNORE specifies a name that is okay to use (if
it is in the sequence to be tried) even if a buffer with that name exists.

> Feel free to file a feature-request bug report about such an option.

For now I solved it with this below.

> > For end users I do not think that would make any difference, as the
> > added buffer number is not interactively influencing users.
> You are wrong.  I use it locally to refer to the many Info buffers I
> have in my sessions.

Sure, that is clear. I also refer to buffers like that. But how they
get assigned their number on the end like *Async Shell Command*<141>
it does not matter, so it could be 39 or 175, it does not matter.

For now I have solved it that I can browse my created async buffers
that have their corresponding process running with `C-c l' and that is
then solved personally.

;;; rcd-async.el --- Helps in reviewing output in async buffers invoked by user

;;; Commentary:
;; Recommended settings:
;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-&") 'rcd-async-shell-command)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c l") 'rcd-async-last-buffers)

;; Invoke `M-&' and run async command, like "gimp" or "ffmpeg",
;; etc. Work for a while in Emacs and when you wish to inspect the
;; output of running commands, invoke your key binding for
;; `rcd-async-last-buffers'

;; Invoke `C-c l' or other assigned key to review or browse last
;; invoked async commands that still have running process.

;;; Code:

(defvar rcd-async-buffer-list nil
  "Keeps the async buffer list created by RCD utilities.  New async
buffers are pushed into this list and upon inspection by
`rcd-async-last-buffers' removed from the list if they either do
not exist or do not have assigned process.")

(defvar rcd-async-buffer-inspected nil
  "Keeps the value of currently inspected buffer by `rcd-async-last-buffers'.")

(defun rcd-async-shell-command (&rest args)
  "Works as `async-shell-command' with difference to remember the
last async buffer by recording it in the list
    (read-shell-command (if shell-command-prompt-show-cwd
                            (format-message "Async shell command in `%s': "
                          "Async shell command: ")
                        nil nil
                        (let ((filename
                                ((eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
                                 (dired-get-filename nil t)))))
                          (and filename (file-relative-name filename))))
  (let* ((shell-command-buffer-name-async (concat "RCD Async: " 
(format-time-string "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")))
         (last-buffer shell-command-buffer-name-async))
    (push last-buffer rcd-async-buffer-list)
    (apply #'async-shell-command args)))

(defun rcd-async-last-buffers ()
  "Accesses the last async buffer as invoked by
  (when rcd-async-buffer-list
    (if rcd-async-buffer-inspected
        (let* ((where (member rcd-async-buffer-inspected rcd-async-buffer-list))
               (last (car (reverse rcd-async-buffer-list)))
               (new (elt where 1)))
          (if (and new 
                   (not (eql where last)))
                (rcd-switch-to-buffer-if-exists-with-process new)
                (setq rcd-async-buffer-inspected new))
            (let ((last (car rcd-async-buffer-list)))
              (setq rcd-async-buffer-inspected last)
              (rcd-switch-to-buffer-if-exists-with-process last))))
      (let ((last (car rcd-async-buffer-list)))
        (setq rcd-async-buffer-inspected last)
      (rcd-switch-to-buffer-if-exists-with-process last)))))

(defun rcd-async-eliminate-buffers ()
  "Eliminates async buffers from `rcd-async-buffer-list' if they do
not exist or do not have a running process."
  (let* ((list (mapcar #'rcd-buffer-exists-with-process rcd-async-buffer-list))
         (list (delq nil list)))
    (setq rcd-async-buffer-list list)))

(defun rcd-buffer-exists-with-process (buffer)
  "Return BUFFER if BUFFER has running process and is live."
  (when (and (get-buffer-process buffer)
             (buffer-live-p (get-buffer buffer))) ;; I probably do not need this

(defun rcd-switch-to-buffer-if-exists-with-process (buffer)
  "Switch to BUFFER if it has running process"
  (when (rcd-buffer-exists-with-process buffer)
    (switch-to-buffer buffer)))

(provide 'rcd-async)

;;; rcd-async.el ends here

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