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Re: indentation

From: ptlo
Subject: Re: indentation
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2021 09:05:13 +0200

Imposing conventions is of  use when many and changing (and beginner) 
programmers work on same code. It's not my case. But the problem where it all 
started is, when I press enter, the new empty line got indented to first 
character of previous line. There is absolutely no reason to impose  that the 
block shall continue. Instead, an END statement may follow which is indented 
differently. Also one can wish to insert an empty line and  then  an automated 
insertion of spaces for no reason is hard to justify. Indeed I always felt the 
urge to delete those spaces (still was thinking how to do it as fast as 
possible and get over without new indentation...)

Strange thing is that I didn't find the electric indent searching "indent" from 
menu in customization groups.



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