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Converting &rest body to string?

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Converting &rest body to string?
Date: Mon, 03 May 2021 00:38:30 +0300

Would there be any way to convert the ,@body part to string:

(defmacro clisp-macro (&rest body)
  (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
  `(clisp (prin1-to-string (quote ,@body)) t))

That works, it invokes external Lisp with single form like:

(clisp-macro (princ (format nil "~R" 123))) ⇒ "one hundred and twenty-three"

with the underlying function:

(defun clisp (data &optional trim)
  (if (rcd-which "clisp")
      (let* ((value (if data
                        (rcd-command-output-from-input "clisp" data "-q" 
"-norc" "-")
             (value (if trim (string-trim value) value)))
    (rcd-warning-message "RCD ERROR: `clisp' not found in $PATH")))

As ,@body could be sometimes multiple arguments, like list, I would
like to find way to accept ,@body and get string out of it, that I can make
`perl' macro, so that following starts working:

(perl 1+1) or (perl 1 + 1) where 1+1 would be converted to "1+1" or 1
+ 1 would become "1 + 1", basically all arguments after `perl' to
become single string?

Somehow it seems possible.


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