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Re: Org to Markdown programmatically

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Org to Markdown programmatically
Date: Wed, 5 May 2021 09:56:34 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0.6 (2021-03-06)

* Emanuel Berg via Users list for the GNU Emacs text editor 
<> [2021-05-04 23:24]:
> Jean Louis wrote:
> > It can, though in the context of Emacs the native Org
> > converted to Markdown markup with library ox-md and then
> > processed with external Discount Markdown is still faster
> > than processing it alone with external Pandoc to
> > Markdown only.
> I think most people, tho we don't have the details of course
> to determine your situation, but most people would use Emacs to
> do _one_ format and then have automated shell tools in shell
> scripts convert it to any and all formats you'd ever need.

Yes, many various formats will ask for external commands.

Org is however, Emacs's internal stuff. It can produce Markdown and
also HTML without external commands. I could export as HTML, but
currently, for testing reasons, I export to Markdown intermittently
and then to HTML.

I have made Website Revision System in such way that specific
templates are related to text processors, such as Markdown, txt2tags,
Asciidoctor, Org mode, and then if page chooses different template,
then its body gets processed by such processor.

Org mode is often way too structured for web pages, and especially for
simpler pages it is faster to use Markdown. Let us say those pages
with few images or ordered images, where Org mode would need special
HTML exporting options, that becomes tiresome for no good reason, it
is easier then to use simpler markup like Markdown. 

Org mode developed from outline-mode. Now in development version
outline-mode will demote headings by using TAB. If I wish to include
some highlighted items, it becomes quite easy.

(defun outline-highlight-keywords ()
  (let ((my-keywords '("TODO" hi-yellow
                       "DONE" hi-green
                       "URGENT" hi-red-b)))
    (while my-keywords
      (let ((keyword (pop my-keywords))
            (highlight (pop my-keywords)))
        (highlight-regexp keyword highlight)))))

Outline mode is faster, more responsive then Org mode and can easily
be converted into Org mode on the fly, it can be considered Org mode
when exporting as a blob from database.


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