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outline-minor-mode and org-mode capabilities for programming languages

From: Christopher Dimech
Subject: outline-minor-mode and org-mode capabilities for programming languages
Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 11:15:12 +0200

What does one need to write in emacs init file to have outline-minor-mode
for elisp files?  

> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 at 7:32 PM
> From: "Jean Louis" <>
> To: "Christopher Dimech" <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: outline-minor-mode and org-mode capabilities for programming 
> languages
> * Christopher Dimech <> [2021-05-10 09:53]:
> > Mainly catering for highligting, headlines and folding to start
> > with.
> Isn't that what outline-minor-mode is for?
> There are already other packages, I have been testing it, and they
> worked similar to outline-minor-mode and could fold things.
> How you want to designate headlines? It has to have some key
> string. Maybe with 5 ;;;;; on beginning?
> ;;;;; Headline
> Evaluate this, and you get highlighting of headlines:
> (highlight-regexp "^;;;;;.*$" 'hi-yellow)
> But I think you have to first play with: 
> {M-x customize-group RET outline RET}
> as there is highlighting already included.
> For headings, I think each mode need different definition on what is
> heading. 
> So you can define heading with `outline-heading-alist'
> outline-heading-alist is a variable defined in ‘outline.el’.
> Its value is nil
>   Automatically becomes buffer-local when set.
> Alist associating a heading for every possible level.
> Each entry is of the form (HEADING . LEVEL).
> This alist is used two ways: to find the heading corresponding to
> a given level and to find the level of a given heading.
> If a mode or document needs several sets of outline headings (for example
> numbered and unnumbered sections), list them set by set and sorted by level
> within each set.  For example in texinfo mode:
>      (setq outline-heading-alist
>       '(("@chapter" . 2) ("@section" . 3) ("@subsection" . 4)
>            ("@subsubsection" . 5)
>         ("@unnumbered" . 2) ("@unnumberedsec" . 3)
>            ("@unnumberedsubsec" . 4)  ("@unnumberedsubsubsec" . 5)
>         ("@appendix" . 2) ("@appendixsec" . 3)...
>            ("@appendixsubsec" . 4) ("@appendixsubsubsec" . 5) ..))
> Instead of sorting the entries in each set, you can also separate the
> sets with nil.
> You asked for:
> - highligting, 
> - headlines; and 
> - folding
> And I have demonstrated that more or less, that already exists in
> outline-minor-mode, play with highlighting options, folding already
> exists, and headings you may define yourself.
> Let us say I have this comment and I keep just one space after ;;;;
> ;;;; ⟦⟦ LIST FUNCTIONS ⟧⟧
> Folded text
> ;;;; ⟦⟦⟦ MORE LIST FUNCTIONS ⟧⟧⟧
> (setq outline-heading-alist
>  '((";;;; ⟦" . 1) (";;;; ⟦⟦" . 2) (";;;; ⟦⟦⟦" . 3)))
> this appears to work on my side in Emacs Lisp mode, but not in
> fundamental. I can fold those headings and they remain visible.
> > > Like should I mark functions with TODO/DONE?
> > 
> > No
> Those mentioned meta level features can look abstract to you, but they
> are very real to me so far. It leans to subject of literate
> programming, similar to programming by using Org Babel and embedded
> functions that are described and later interpolated into the
> script. Just that I can do that on the higher level rich attributes
> and references and relations to other functions.  As humans we are so
> late with literate programming. That would help so many other people.
> > I suggest that outline-minor-mode be also refactored and revamped, as I have
> > seen much additional code on top of it (outline-magic, orgstruct,
> > outshine).
> For now, those features which you asked for, already exist, you may
> try customizations, you are just few minutes away from having
> highlighting, folding is already there, and defining headlines.
> -- 
> Jean
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