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Re: New package for Sweden: package-header.el - was Re: Interacting with

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: New package for Sweden: package-header.el - was Re: Interacting with minibuffer
Date: Sun, 23 May 2021 01:51:36 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0.6 (2021-03-06)

* Emanuel Berg via Users list for the GNU Emacs text editor 
<> [2021-05-23 01:35]:

For buc.el:

;;; Keywords: man pages

Keywords are not words which people think they are, find here:

(info "(elisp) Library Headers")

     This line lists keywords for the ‘finder-by-keyword’ help command.
     Please use that command to see a list of the meaningful keywords.
     The command ‘M-x checkdoc-package-keywords <RET>’ will find and
     display any keywords that are not in ‘finder-known-keywords’.  If
     you set the variable ‘checkdoc-package-keywords-flag’ non-‘nil’,
     checkdoc commands will include the keyword verification in its

     This field is how people will find your package when they’re
     looking for things by topic.  To separate the keywords, you can use
     spaces, commas, or both.

     The name of this field is unfortunate, since people often assume it
     is the place to write arbitrary keywords that describe their
     package, rather than just the relevant Finder keywords.

Convenient functions to insert proper keywords are:

(defun package-header-keywords ()
  "Return Emacs package keywords completion candidates."
  (mapcar 'symbol-name (map-keys finder-known-keywords)))

(defun package-header-ask-keywords ()
  "Ask author for package keywords."
  (let ((keywords '())
    (while (string-match "[^[:blank:]]"
                         (setq keyword
                               (completing-read "Keywords: " 
(package-header-keywords) nil t)))
      (push keyword keywords))
    (when keywords
      (mapconcat 'identity (sort keywords #'string<) " "))))

(defun package-header-insert-keywords ()
  "Insert keywords for Emacs package header."
  (insert (package-header-ask-keywords)))

But checkdoc-package-keywords is not properly giving error in your
case. You have many incorrect keywords. You better verify it with: 

M-x finder-list-keywords


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