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Re: Using Emacs for business

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Using Emacs for business
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 10:09:00 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0.7+183 (3d24855) (2021-05-28)

* Emanuel Berg via Users list for the GNU Emacs text editor 
<> [2021-06-17 03:17]:
> > Emacs Lisp has a main advantage of being bundled with the
> > editor and thus has nice ready made interfaces. For example,
> > I would not like re-inventing the editor. I think that is
> > main feature of it.
> The editor? I'm talking about programming languages, of course
> one should have a good editor for Python - Emacs, just to give
> you an example...

Python does not have nice ready made interface like Emacs has. Editing
is integral part of the work. I have been doing the same work outside
of Emacs and have been using HTTP interface where nice editing is
almost impossible. One has to use browser text fields, eventually
extensions to edit objects. I have been using console and launching
any editor and I can say that is more tedious than having Emacs run
the program and launch editing of values or objects. Emacs offers
ready made GUI that may be used by programmers, for example:

- various nice and handy input functions are there, completing-read
  and similar; 

  Is there equivalent in Python for following in 2 lines?

  (let ((collection '("one" "two" "thre")))
    (completing-read "Choice: " collection))

- various completing and selection packages like helm, ivy, are there
  making the work so much easier with automatic improvements; those
  work straight and automatic, is there such equivalent in Python?
  Like just load a library and start choosing visually and easy?

- tabulated-list-mode -- good reporting interface, is there
  Python or other language equivalent? I wish if it would be, I
  would like it so. Idea and implementation of it in Emacs is

- easy key binding configurations? 

- easy menu generation, any equivalents?

- opening new GUI windows, closing, splitting?

I would like to implement same programs in other languags but the
above are major obstacles which demand programming from scratch. 

Features in Emacs on the other hand allow easy and rapid development. 

Helm or ivy or other completing packages for example help in
creating easy invoice, receipts or supermarket management
sotware. Find a product rapidly, add to list, print invoice, add
to database. 

There is fat overhead in other languages without integrated GUI
like Emacs editor.


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