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Re: Noob dumb question (extending emacs)

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Noob dumb question (extending emacs)
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 09:50:04 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0.7+183 (3d24855) (2021-05-28)

* Ivano Da Milano <> [2021-10-20 08:47]:
> Hello everyone.
> Please, be patient, as I'm totally new to emacs, but I'm told it can do a
> lot more than just editing text.
> So, I ask you, are the following possible?
> And how to accomplish? (if possible, point me to a ready solution, because
> I know nearly nothing about lisp)

You should use command:

M-x package-list-packages

To see the available Emacs packages and browse within them to find
anything you need or like.

> [un]zip/tar/rar/etc archives

When in Dired mode, you can press `Z' and pray it will do what you

> ASCII Art - from image, but IIRC, there's an ASCII based paint
> program

M-x artist-mode

> Batch rename

in shell `rename'

see: M-x man RET rename RET

> Browser (like Lynx)

M-s M-w to launch `eww' Emacs browser. 

> Scientific calculator

M-x calc

> Calendar

M-x calendar

> Contacts manager

RCD Notes for Emacs

Managing 226147 contacts, relations and 16160 accounts like groups and
companies with it.
> DBMS (SQL Client)

M-x sql-postgres or other sql- commands

emacs-libpq @ Github

> Diff/patch

M-x diff

> File manager (like Midnight Commander)

C-x C-f

if you need Midnight Commander, then after C-x C-f:

C-x 3

> FTP Client

C-x C-f RET /ftp:server:/directory

> Id3 tag editor

id3v2 system command

> IRC client

M-x irc

> Mail client you can run it in Emacs M-x term

> MIDI/Music Player

In Dired, use & and customize variable `dired-guess-shell-alist-user'

> OffLine browser (like HTTrack)


> random password generator

> Project management

Evaluate: (info "(emacs) Projects")

> Speech recognition

M-x doctor

after a while it starts recognizing speech...

> Spreadsheet (like sc)

M-x ses-mode


$ gnumeric

> System clean

Use system `sweeper'

> Task manager (like top)

M-x proced

> Torrent

M-& aria2c "magnet:your-favorite-link"

> Transcoder (with FFMPeg)

I use what I made, and I convert videos for Internet:


(defun video-mime-type-p (file)
  "Determines mime type of video"
  (let ((mime-type (rcd-mime-type file)))
    (if (string-match "video" mime-type) file nil)))

(defun video2webm-dired ()
  "Converts any video to webm"
  (let* ((bitrate (read-number "Bitrate: " 300))
         (videos (dired-get-marked-files))
         (videos (mapcar 'video-mime-type-p videos))
         (videos (seq-remove 'null videos))
         (async-shell-command-buffer 'new-buffer)
         (command (format "ffmpeg -y -i `?` -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v %sk -pass 1 
-passlogfile `?` -speed 4 -c:a libopus -f webm /dev/null -async 1 -vsync 
passthrough && ffmpeg -y -i `?` -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v %sk -pass 2 -passlogfile 
`?` -speed 1 -c:a libopus \`?`.webm -async 1 -vsync passthrough && rm 
`?`-0.log;" bitrate bitrate)))
    (dired-do-async-shell-command command nil videos)))

> TTS (with eSpeak)


> Volume mixer (like AlsaMixer)

(global-set-key (kbd "<XF86AudioLowerVolume>") 'emms-volume-lower)
(global-set-key (kbd "<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>") 'emms-volume-raise)

> Wave editor (with SoX)



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