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Re: Embedded list selection with ido-completing-read.

From: Hongyi Zhao
Subject: Re: Embedded list selection with ido-completing-read.
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2021 11:21:21 +0800

On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 11:11 AM Hongyi Zhao <> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 10:28 AM Hongyi Zhao <> wrote:
> > BTW, my ultimate purpose it to implement the in-buffer company-mode
> > [1] completion support for QE-modes [2], which is the main reason why
> > I ask this question. And I’ve got some useful advice here [3-5].
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3] 
> >
> > [4] 
> >
> > [5] 
> >
> >
> > It seems that I still have a long way to go to achieve this goal.
> I describe the outline of my final goal as follows [1]:
> The ultimate purpose of [`QE-modes`](
> package is to facilitate the generation of [`Quantum
> ESPRESSO`]( input files. Therefore,
> the content to be automatically completed here may not be the same as
> ordinary automatic completion. Let me use [the following
> example](
> to illustrate some of the technical difficulties that need to be
> resolved.
> ```
> &control
>    title = ' Water Molecule ',
>    calculation = 'cp',
>    restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
>    ndr = 51,
>    ndw = 51,
>    nstep  = 100,
>    iprint = 100,
>    isave  = 100,
>    tstress = .TRUE.,
>    tprnfor = .TRUE.,
>    dt    = 5.0d0,
>    etot_conv_thr = 1.d-9,
>    ekin_conv_thr = 1.d-4,
>    prefix = 'h2o'
>    verbosity = 'medium'
> /
> &system
>    ibrav = 14,
>    ce
>    celldm(1) = 12.0,
>    celldm(2) = 1.0,
>    celldm(3) = 1.0,
>    celldm(4) = 0.0,
>    celldm(5) = 0.0,
>    celldm(6) = 0.0,
>    nat  = 3,
>    ntyp = 2,
>    nbnd = 4,
>    ecutwfc = 80.0,
> /
> &electrons
>    emass = 400.d0,
>    emass_cutoff = 2.5d0,
>    electron_dynamics = 'damp',
>    electron_damping = 0.2
> /
> &ions
>    orthogonalization = 'ortho',
>    ion_dynamics = 'none',
>    ion_radius(1) = 0.8d0,
>    ion_radius(2) = 0.8d0,
> /
>    O 16.0d0 O.blyp-mt.UPF
>    H 1.00d0 H.blyp-vbc.UPF
>    O     0.0099    0.0099    0.0000  0 0 0
>    H     1.8325   -0.2243   -0.0001  1 1 1
>    H    -0.2243    1.8325    0.0002  1 1 1
> ```
> The input file specification of the above example is located
> [here]( The main
> problems I want to solve are:
> 1. When I try to input one namelist, hinting all possible namelists at
> the point with drop-down frame; once I select the namelist, say,
> `&CONTROL`, then insert it corresponding to the specification as
> follows, and put the point in the middle of it, denoted by `|`:
> ```
> &control
> |
> /
> ```
> 2. When I try to input one CARD, hinting all possible CARDs at the
> point with drop-down frame; once I select the CARD, say,
> `ATOMIC_SPECIES`, then insert it corresponding to the specification as
> follows, and put the point in the middle of it, denoted by `|`:

put the point on the line below it.

> ```
> |
> ```
> 3. When I try to input one variable with the point located in certain
> namelist, hinting all possible variables belonging to the given
> namelist at the point with drop-down frame. Say, for the namelist
> `&control`, only [the following
> variables](
> should be used to construct the candidates list:
> `     calculation | title | verbosity | isave | restart_mode | nstep |
> iprint | tstress | tprnfor | dt | outdir | saverho | prefix | ndr |
> ndw | tabps | max_seconds | etot_conv_thr | forc_conv_thr |
> ekin_conv_thr | disk_io | memory | pseudo_dir | tefield `
> 4. After I have completed an input of one CARD, inserting an example
> usage of the CARD, say, the following one:
> ```
>    O     0.0099    0.0099    0.0000  0 0 0
> ```
> [1] 
> HZ

Assoc. Prof. Hongyi Zhao <>
Theory and Simulation of Materials
Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering
No. 473, Quannan West Street, Xindu District, Xingtai, Hebei province

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