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RE: [External] : (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'number) ⇒ nil

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: [External] : (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'number) ⇒ nil
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 21:29:07 +0000

> > What does `C-h f bounds-of-thing-at-point'
> > tell you?  Does it say that it's an alias
> > for `tap-bounds-of-thing-at-point'?
> bounds-of-thing-at-point    is   a    compiled   Lisp    function   in
> ‘thingatpt.el’.

That means thingatpt+.el wasn't loaded.

You likely need to either (1) change the file
name "thingatpt" to be absolute or relative
to where you're evaluating that sexp or (2)
use symbol `thingatpt' instead of a string.
Try the latter first.

See what `C-h f eval-after-load' says about
arg FILE.

> > If not, did you actually load the library?
> > (Put it in a dir in your `load-path'.)
> Yes,  I did.  And  I loaded  also  with M-x  load-library  and I  have
> directory with your scripts in my load-path
> So I do not get it why it is not loading and overwriting functions.

If you loaded it (e.g. using `load-library)
then it's loaded.  The reason it's not
overwriting the vanilla functions is no doubt
because file "thingatpt" never got loaded, so
the `eval-after-load' code never got evaluated.

I was probably too cryptic in writing just
"thingatpt".  Sorry.  Hopefully it's clear now.

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