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Question Regarding Creating A Random Buffer For Keybinding Reminders / A

From: Samuel Banya
Subject: Question Regarding Creating A Random Buffer For Keybinding Reminders / Attempt To Do Via A Reminder Hydra
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2022 10:43:54 -0400
User-agent: Cyrus-JMAP/3.7.0-alpha0-387-g7ea99c4045-fm-20220413.002-g7ea99c40

Hey there,

So I have several Hydras and other very config centric keybindings throughout 
my Emacs config, to the point where I often forget about these until I view 
them in my Org Mode based config.

I tried to create a related Hydra as more of a 'reminder', but its now 
complaining since the actual keybindings aren't valid.

Is there a better method of displaying a reminder for custom keybindings so 
that I can personally choose how I want to present the entire buffer with 

Here's what I have so far, but I've since commented it out because all I 
receive are warnings that the keybindings present aren't valid, which is 
understandable since the Hydra itself is looking for the user to actually hit 
the keybindings themselves, even though I'm only showing them to the user for 
reminder purposes:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defhydra hydra-remindkeys (:color pink
:hint nil)
  _C-M-z_: Enable 'evil' and 'evil-collection' for Vim keybindings
  _S-Return_: launch 'vterm'
  _C-x w_: launch 'ranger.el'
  _f12_: toggle full screen for Macbook workaround
  _C-=_: rotate buffers
  _f7 and S-f7_: start 'org-tree-slide-mode' for Org Mode based presentations, 
and stop them
  _f6_: insert YouTube video link, and return the YouTube video name into 
pasted buffer
  _C-x b_: enable iBuffer to check available buffers
  _C-x C-b_: enable 'helm-buffers-list' to check list of available buffers to 
switch to via a Helm Mode prompt
  _f2_: enable zoom-based Hydra to zoom in and out of available Emacs buffer
  _C-c a_: enable 'Org-Agenda' to view agenda of tasks
  _C-!_: enable color-theme based Hydra to change color themes on the fly
  _M-s_: jump to a specific word in a buffer with the 'avy-goto-word-0' function
  _M-l_: jump to a specific line in a buffer with the 'avy-goto-line' function
  _M-y_: view the copy and paste clipboard via 'popup-kill-ring' package
  _C-s_: search in a buffer with Counsel or Swiper via the 
'counsel-grep-or-swiper' function
  _C-c q_: first mark a section of a buffer, and then enable this to see where 
the highlighted section appears next to edit all instances simultaneously
  _C-q_: enables 'expand-region' to expand a given region of text
  _C-c C-0_: enables multiple cursors with 'mc/edit-lines' function
  _C->_: while 'mc/edit-lines' is enabled, go to the next line
  _C-<_: while 'mc/edit-lines' is enabled, go to the previousline
  _C-c C-<_: while 'mc/edit-lines' is enabled, mark all of the lines that are 
like this
  _C-M-s-k_: kill all buffers with 'kill-all-buffers' function, useful for 
end-of-day buffer cleanup
  _C-c w l_: copy the entire line of text with 'copy-whole-line' function
  _C-x k_: kill the current buffer with the 'kill-current-buffer' function
  _s-e_: edit the buffer as the 'sudo' user with the 'sudo-edit' function
  _C-c w w_: kill an entire word with the 'kill-whole-word' function
  _C-$_: enable desktop based hydra to save, clear, or revert the current 
desktop of Emacs buffers via the 'hydra-desktop' hydra
  _C-c l_: enable lsp-mode for programming based auto-completion
  _<s tab_: enable source code based yasnippet template for Org Mode
  _<b tab_: enable bash code based yasnippet template for Org Mode
  _C-h M-a_: show the major mode keybindings with the 'discover-my-major' 
  _C-h M-o_: show the minor mode keybindings with the 'discover-my-mode' 
  _M-x free-keys_: show the available keybindings to use for later use in my 
Emacs config
  _M-i_: hover over a word, and find that word in any open buffer on screen via 
the 'helm-swoop' function
  _M-I_: hover over a word, and jump to the next instance of the word in the 
buffer via the 'helm-swoop-back-to-last-point' function
  _C-c M-i_: hover over a word, and find the next file that contains that 
specific word via the 'helm-multi-swoop' function
  _C-x M-i_: hover over a word, and find the next file that contains that 
specific word via the 'helm-multi-swoop-all' function
  _C-c e_: edit Emacs config at any time
  _C-c r_: reload Emacs config at any time
  _C-c C-p C-b_: add the entire current buffer to an online webpaste, 
specifically at
  _C-c C-p C-r_: add the selected region to an online webpaste, specifically at
  _C-c C-p C-p_: add the selected region or buffer to an online webpaste, 
specifically at
  _C-c s_: search for a specific issue on Stack Exchange aka StackOverflow
  _M-x ytdl_: download YouTube videos directly from Emacs
    ("q" nil))

  ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-=") 'hydra-rotate/body)



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