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Re: Spaces rather than tabs by a major mode hook

From: goncholden
Subject: Re: Spaces rather than tabs by a major mode hook
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2022 21:56:01 +0000

------- Original Message -------
On Sunday, June 12th, 2022 at 9:36 AM, Dmitry Gutov <> wrote:

> On 12.06.2022 00:17, goncholden wrote:
> > I have tried that. You get encouraged it might work. Until you press return 
> > on the end of the line. Then emacs deletes all the tabs.
> Aaand you can disable 'electric-indent-mode' to get rid of this behavior.
> > Emacs should have a minor-mode or settings that only keep the highlighting 
> > for the specific major-mode, and allows the user
> > to format as one pleases.
> The general expectation is that our users's projects adhere to some
> common rules WRT indentation, with only a few parameters varying between
> them (which can be customized). When that holds, Emacs's way is way more
> efficient in practice.

That expectation is wrong for legacy code, particularly in fortran.

> And when one works on a rare exception, they can tweak their config
> accordingly. A minor mode could be helpful, I suppose, but the
> customizations I suggested are fairly easy to do already.

They are easy to do but they are not enough.  Because at some deep level emacs 
expectation users's projects to adhere to a sytle.  That only works for single 
person works or multi-person works who actually adhere to a style.  In this 
files, the style they adhere to relate only to naming conventions and that code 
is uppercase.  And obviously, that usual column position rules.

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