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Re: Morally equivalent

From: Alessandro Bertulli
Subject: Re: Morally equivalent
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 13:47:27 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.9; emacs 29.0.50

> This should be:
> This is almost equivalent to (setf PLACE (cons NEWELT PLACE)),
> except that PLACE is evaluated only once (after NEWELT).
> Anyway, I enjoy occasionally finding things like "morally equivalent" in
> Emacs.

I agree. I think this kind of language actually beneficial, when it
helps in conveying the "intuition" behind a concept, using analogies
(this of course is nothing new, you almost certainly did this too if you
ever had to explain something to someone less experienced than you).

If we find this choice of word poor or misleading, that's actually very
good: it means we care for the quality of Emacs. But I would say that a
clarification would be just as good, without giving up the analogy:

"This is morally equvalent to [...], meaning that it is equal in all
practical sense, except that [...]"

(please correct me if I misunderstood something)

As a OCD guy, please let me tell you all: relax! :-)
It's very good to be passionate even about minor things. Not so much if
those become a division.

Alessandro Bertulli

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