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Re: More vibrant colours for org-mode headings

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: More vibrant colours for org-mode headings
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2022 02:25:17 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.9+54 (af2080d) (2022-11-21)

* Heime <> [2022-12-10 02:06]:
> The comment was for default org-mode to use more vibrant colours for
> everybody.  I have been working with colour metrics to find some
> optimal colour configurations which will be useful for everybody.

Just use customize-themes in front of Org buffer and you will see
first available options:

M-x customize-themes

Type RET or click to enable/disable listed custom themes.
Type ? to describe the theme at point.
Theme files are named *-theme.el in ‘custom-theme-load-path’.

 Note: Your custom settings take precedence over theme settings.
       To migrate your settings into a theme, click here.

 Save Theme Settings 
[X] Select more than one theme at a time

Available Custom Themes:
[ ] afternoon -- Dark color theme with a deep blue background
[X] alect-black-alt -- The alternative black color theme.
[ ] alect-black -- (no documentation available)
[ ] alect-dark-alt -- (no documentation available)
[ ] alect-dark -- (no documentation available)
[ ] alect-light-alt -- (no documentation available)
[ ] alect-light -- (no documentation available)
[ ] dracula -- (no documentation available)
[ ] monokai -- The Monokai colour theme
[X] tangotango -- A color theme based on the Tango Palette colors.
[ ] ujelly -- The ujelly color theme
[ ] inkpot -- (no documentation available)
[ ] gotham -- The Gotham color theme
[ ] modus-operandi -- (no documentation available)
[ ] modus-vivendi -- (no documentation available)
[ ] tramp -- A custom theme to decorate buffers when they are remote.
[ ] spacemacs-dark -- Spacemacs theme, the dark version
[ ] spacemacs-light -- Spacemacs theme, the light version
[ ] moe-dark -- Face colors for 256 colors terminal (dark background).
[ ] moe-light -- Face colors for 256 colors terminal (light background).
[ ] moe -- (no documentation available)
[ ] cyberpunk -- The Cyberpunk color theme
[ ] gruvbox-dark-hard -- (no documentation available)
[ ] gruvbox-dark-medium -- (no documentation available)
[ ] gruvbox-dark-soft -- (no documentation available)
[ ] gruvbox-light-hard -- (no documentation available)
[ ] gruvbox-light-medium -- (no documentation available)
[ ] gruvbox-light-soft -- (no documentation available)
[ ] gruvbox -- (no documentation available)
[ ] ample-flat -- A flat, dark theme.
[ ] ample-light -- A smooth light theme to pair with ample-dark.
[ ] ample -- A smooth dark theme.
[ ] aircon -- Cool and legible light theme.
[ ] nano-dark -- N Λ N O dark theme
[ ] nano-light -- N Λ N O light theme
[ ] nano -- (no documentation available)
[ ] oblivion -- Dark color scheme based on GEdit's oblivion theme.
[ ] apropospriate-dark -- The dark variant of the Apropospriate color theme
[ ] apropospriate-light -- The light variant of the Apropospriate color theme
[ ] apropospriate -- (no documentation available)
[ ] ahungry -- Ahungry Theme
[ ] adwaita -- Face colors similar to the default theme of Gnome 3 (Adwaita).
[ ] deeper-blue -- Face colors using a deep blue background.
[ ] dichromacy -- Face colors suitable for red/green color-blind users.
[ ] leuven-dark -- Face colors with a light background.
[ ] leuven -- Face colors with a light background.
[ ] manoj-dark -- Very high contrast faces with a black background.
[ ] misterioso -- Predominantly blue/cyan faces on a dark cyan background.
[ ] tango-dark -- Face colors using the Tango palette (dark background).
[ ] tango -- Face colors using the Tango palette (light background).
[ ] tsdh-dark -- A dark theme used and created by Tassilo Horn.
[ ] tsdh-light -- A light Emacs theme.
[ ] wheatgrass -- High-contrast green/blue/brown faces on a black background.
[ ] whiteboard -- Face colors similar to markers on a whiteboard.
[ ] wombat -- Medium-contrast faces with a dark gray background.


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