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[Q] How do I access a message using message id on mailman?

From: Ruijie Yu
Subject: [Q] How do I access a message using message id on mailman?
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 21:59:18 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.22; emacs 30.0.50


I know this is somewhat tangential to Emacs, but hopefully someone who
frequents the online ML archives (or knows its internals) has the answer
to this.

I'm writing a function that opens up the archive website for a given
mailing list message.  This (it seems to me, at least) requires that the
archive site is capable of converting the message id to a browsable URL.

However, when I tried to search for a recent message id in this list on, the search failed.  In addition, the URL for any given
mail only says "N-th mail" in "which day", which I don't think can be
reliably concluded from a local copy.  Trying to [search engine] it also
didn't yield helpful information.

Any help appreciated, thanks.



[Please note that this mail might go to spam due to some
misconfiguration in my mail server -- still investigating.]

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