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Re: smtpmail-send-queued-mail fails with error 504 5.5.2

From: Manuel Giraud
Subject: Re: smtpmail-send-queued-mail fails with error 504 5.5.2
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 14:02:24 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) writes:


> when user-mail-address is not set and therefore defaults to
> user@hostmachine (in my case user@fedora), as the description of the
> variable user-mail-address explicitly spells out, then the default
> email address qhen composing a new message somehow ignores this and
> uses user@message-user-fqdn (first thing to fix),

Ok, so I've done the following:
    - emacs -Q
    - M-: (setq message-user-fqdn "elsewhere")
    - M-x message-mail

The "From:" is set to "user@elsewhere" as you, too, observed, right?
This is what you considered to be a bug.  I don't know if it is one but
you're right that this is not documented in 'message-user-fqdn' nor

> which should instead only be reserved for message-id's (as the
> description of this variable says. Does it happen somewhere else too?
> this is the second thing to fix).

How to fix something that we don't know about?

>>> The second question is why the From header is ignored (from the
>>> message as saved in 'queued email folder') when sending with
>>> smtpmail-send-queued-mail. This is really worrisome!
> This looks like another bug.
>> Yes, this is something else but I imagine that
>> 'smtpmail-send-queued-mail' respect 'user-mail-address'.
> so first of all, it probably does, in the sense that in my case it
> uses user@fedora, so message-user-fqdn does not intervene (silver
> lining). But it should use what I decided to set as header, not
> rewrite the headers without warning!

Yes, probably.  I'm not queuing mail so I should try it first.

>>>  By the way because you ask, the reason why I change the From header
>>>  is that I use a variety of different email addresses for the
>>>  different affiliations which I have.
>> I do this too and it is just a matter of changing
>> 'user-mail-address'
>> and 'smtpmail-smtp-server'.
> No, I don't want to change the variable every time!!

It could be just a command away ;-) but…

> I want to keep that variable for the default address, and change the
> headers as I need.

…fair enough too.

> And anyway, why this discrepancy between queued-sending and
> immediate sending? This I consider another bug, because not doing
> things consistently confuses the user (even not doing the *wrong*
> thing consistently confuses the user)

Yes, this is your second bug then.  I'll also try to test with queuing

> smtpmail-smtp-server can stay always the same because mine allows
> spoofing.


> I think I will file a few bug reports today

Yes, please do so!
Manuel Giraud

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