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Function to load the various themes provided by modus-themes

From: Heime
Subject: Function to load the various themes provided by modus-themes
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 23:31:55 +0000

Want to use modus-themes with the various options.  Currently I am only
able to handle a dark (vivendi) or light (operandi) theme. 

But modus-themes has recently introduced 

modus-vivendi-tinted        modus-operandi-tinted
modus-vivendi-deuteranopia  modus-operandi-deuteranopia
modus-vivendi-tritanopia    modus-operandi-tritanopia 

How can I best modify my modus-themes-launch function to handle
all the new themes. 

(defconst modus-themes-dark t)

(defun modus-themes-launch ()
  (add-to-list 'load-path "~/bin/contrib/modus-themes-4.4")
  (require 'modus-themes)
  (if modus-themes-dark
       (load-theme 'modus-vivendi :no-confirm)
    (load-theme 'modus-operandi :no-confirm)) )

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