The workaround to fix this issue is to call the following after the text
scale is changed (run-hooks 'window-configuration-change-hook)
From where?
The way I see it, another workaround is for those packages which depend
strongly on such single-size monospace text to add the relevant function
to `text-scale-mode-hook`.
OP wants to know whether it is good practice or bad practice to run the
`window-configuration-change-hook` hooks from a third-party package in this
situation, as a workaround to resolve the issue described above. (Check: ).
I'd put it in the bad practice column (especially since that hook
is documented to be run in a fairly special way which `run-hooks`
doesn't follow).
Then again, looking at that patch I can't understand why it would work.
Does it work? If so how? That code is run only when `visual-fill-mode`
is enabled, AFAICT, so whether it runs
`window-configuration-change-hook` won't make any difference when
text-scale is used.